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Firebase Security Rules: .indexOn unique ids

I have this structure:

"post": {
   "groupMember": {
     "-KHFHEHFWDB1213": "true",
     "-KSJHDDJISIS011": "true",
     "-KJSIO19229129k": "true"

I want to .indexOn the auto-generated unique groupMember ids.

I tried doing this:

"post": {
  ".indexOn": "groupMember"

But I'm still getting this error:

Consider adding ".indexOn": "groupMember/-KHFHEHFWDB1213" at /post

So how do I add a .indexOn on a unique id?


This is the query I use (in Swift):

postRef.queryOrderedByChild("groupMember/\(uid)").queryEqualToValue(true).observeEventType(.Value, ... )
like image 889
leonardloo Avatar asked May 31 '16 17:05


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1 Answers

To query whether or not one of the given keys has value "true" (note that as typed your data structure is a string, not a boolean -- something to look out for!) you'll want to create security rules like so:

  "post": {
    "groupMember": {
      "$memberId": {".indexOn": ".value"}

And then use queryOrderedByValue("true") on the /post/groupMember path. Important to note is $memberId in the rules, which declares a wildcard key representing your autogenerated ids, and .value, which indicates that rather than indexing on a child property (if your structure had another layer of nesting) you want to index on the immediate leaf node value.

like image 169
Michael Bleigh Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 02:09

Michael Bleigh