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Firebase rules to allow some user access

enter image description here I would like only user2, user3 to view user1's info from DB and not user 4.

I know I need to do something in the JSON rules:

THE UIDUser2, UIDUser3 Would be replaced with the actual ID's when User1 allowed permission via the app.

  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth != null",
    ".write": "auth != null"

This is my edit so far:

      "rules": {
                   ".read": auth.uid ==??


How do I finish the rule? I want to retrieve the key's from the Allowed area to here?

like image 226
Gaandmit Avatar asked Oct 28 '16 06:10


People also ask

Can anyone access my Firebase database?

When you create a database or storage instance in the Firebase console, you choose whether your Firebase Security Rules restrict access to your data (Locked mode) or allow anyone access (Test mode). In Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database, the default rules for Locked mode deny access to all users.

What are the restrictions in Firebase?

Firebase Security Rules work by matching a pattern against database paths, and then applying custom conditions to allow access to data at those paths. All Rules across Firebase products have a path-matching component and a conditional statement allowing read or write access.

What are the different roles that can be assigned to a user in Firebase?

In the Firebase console, you can assign any of the basic roles (Owner, Editor, Viewer), the Firebase Admin/Viewer roles, or any of the Firebase predefined product-category roles.

1 Answers

So you want only users whose ids are in Allowed node read other users information. Right?

If so... Here is rules for it.

"Users": {
  "$uid": {
    ".read": "root.child('Users/Allowed/'+auth.uid).exists()"


$uid is an example of $ variables (you can give it different name but it must start with $) which dynamically gets the value of key under Users location.

For example: The rule what I have given you only allows users under Allowed node to read other users info, But it will block user to read his own information if this user is not in Allowed node. If you want to add this too you need to change your rules like this.

"Users": {
  "$uid": {
    ".read": "$uid == auth.id || root.child('Users/Allowed/'+auth.uid).exists()"


In firebase rules there are predefined variables such as, now, root, auth, data, newData and $ variables.

When you have a $location in your rules structure, you can use a matching $ variable within your rule expression to get the name of the actual child being read or written. So suppose we want to give every user read and write access to their own /users/ location. We could use:

Copied from firebase docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/security/database/#location

If you want to know more about firebase security rules read the following section.



Your structure is not so good. Data under Users node is jumbled. You should not have Allowed node on the same level as userIds. Instead it would be better if you either create new node (allowedUsers) at Users node level and move Allowed data there.

  - userid2
  - userid3
  - userid1
  - userid2
  - userid3
  - userid4
like image 111
Zura Sekhniashvili Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Zura Sekhniashvili