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firebase hosting - terminal hangs waiting for authentication

I just created a firebase account using my Gmail account and I want to test deploying a simple JS app to the cloud. I'm using Linux. I type in firebase init and the terminal says, "Waiting for authentication" then the browser opens and for a quick second I see a message "Authenticate Application" but then it disappears and asks me to login to my Google account. I login and it redirects me to my dashboard. In the terminal window it is still waiting for authentication. So the browser never tells the terminal window that I logged in and is stuck.

Any ideas?

like image 984
user441058 Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 17:03


1 Answers

I found a different thread with an answer that worked for me (How to login to `firebase-tools` on headless remote server?)

  1. On the terminal use the following command: $ firebase login --no-localhost

  2. A different authentication link will be generated. On any machine, open a browser and paste the link from the terminal.

  3. The result is an authorization code that you now need to paste into the terminal.

Everything should work well...I hope...

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user6342440 Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 22:04
