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Can I multiple run npm installs simultaneously





If I'm setting up a project and running npm install -abc xyz, can I run another npm install in another terminal instance, for the same project, whilst this is still running?


like image 906
darkace Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 22:03


1 Answers

You can install multiple packages with a single command like this:

npm install --save package1 package2 package3 ...

EDIT: Installing packages separately, while theoretically possible, could create problems. When an install command is issued, npm looks up existing modules and downloads missing packages into a staging folder .staging inside node_modules. Once downloaded it copies the packages into the node_modules sub-folder (and removes .staging).

In npm2, modules had their own dependencies stored underneath themselves like this:

  - dependencyA
    - node_modules
      - dependencyC
  - dependencyB
    - node_modules
      - dependencyC

Notice how dependency A and B both rely on C. If C is the same version in both cases, it would use twice the space.

In npm3, dependencies are flattened like this:

  - dependencyA
  - dependencyB
  - dependencyC

If for some reason an older version is used in a dependency, it follows the npm2 convention for that module.

I'd stick with the intended use of npm and use the multiple install functionality.

like image 91
Mario Tacke Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 09:03

Mario Tacke