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Firebase Functions: "Failed to get status of functions deployments"

I am getting a very strange error when I attempt to deploy my firebase functions.

As a test to rule out my code, I deleted everything except the require(firebase-functions); statement in my index.js file and then tried to deploy, but I again received the same error message:

Error: Failed to get status of functions deployments.

It also prompts me to see my function log file, but there is nothing new or relevant outputted there. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

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user8951490 Avatar asked Jan 11 '18 12:01


2 Answers

Please be sure you have the right nodejs version. Also for any issue regarding firebase product, the status can be checked in this link:


The above link will provide a status for each service.

When the issue gets solved, you can just deploy your functions again with a different name instead of deleting or just redeploy them.


Currently in the link above the issue is listed there, there is currently Service Disruption.

Please check this:https://status.firebase.google.com/incident/Functions/18003

to know when this issue will be solved as the firebase team has seen that there is a problem.

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Peter Haddad Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Peter Haddad

firebaser here

There is an ongoing issue with deploying Cloud Functions through the Firebase CLI. To track its status, look a the Firebase status page.

Update: the issue was fixed at 7:22 am PST.

I just successfully deployed some of my own functions, which was failing earlier. Thanks for your reports and patience everyone!

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Frank van Puffelen