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Firebase do not create user in Unity SDK

It is strange that Firebase can't create user in Unity SDK out of the box. Firebase Console was tuned (anonymous access and email/password access are enabled) and google-service.json was placed in Assets folder of Unity.

However, Firebase still won't create a user. This is the code where it always fails:

auth.SignInAnonymouslyAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
            if (task.IsCompleted && !task.IsCanceled && !task.IsFaulted) {
                Debug.Log("User is now signed in.");
                FirebaseUser newUser = task.Result;
            else if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled)
                Debug.Log("User signup failed");


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Sergey Pavlov Avatar asked Dec 09 '16 06:12

Sergey Pavlov

People also ask

Can we use Firebase without authentication?

No Firebase Authentication…To use the Firebase Storage we need to authenticate a user via Firebase authentication. The default security rules require users to be authenticated. Firebase Storage is basically a powerful and simple object storage, in which you can store your files easily.

1 Answers

There are possible several reasons:

  • The app was run in the Editor, rather than on the device
  • The configuration file is not updated after you add Firebase Auth feature
  • The password is shorter than 6 chacters
  • The email address is in invalid form, e.g. abcdef@aaa

The first one is highly likely the reason why.

I have created a tutorial here, which covers the steps to create/login using firebase in Unity, hope this is helpful.

enter image description here

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David Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
