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Firebase custom event parameters not showing in Firebase Analytics console

Firebase custom event, with parameters item_id and item_name not showing correctly in console.

I can see the firebase custom even, have tried the 'edit parameter reporting' button on the events firebase console, and setup reporting for item_id and item_name, but the string values I bundle with these keys does not show.

Am I missing any required parameters for custom events? I could not find any documentation requiring any.

val firebase = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(this)
        val bundle = Bundle()
        bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, "email_feedback")
        bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, "yes")
        firebase.logEvent("app_review_request", bundle)

I expect to see something in the console. However I see this

Edit parameter reporting Custom events coming through item_id and item_name params empty

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yorkie1990 Avatar asked Jul 24 '19 08:07


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In Analytics for Firebase, navigate to your app. Click Events. In the row for the event you want to modify, click More > Edit parameter reporting. In the Enter parameter name field, enter the name of the parameter you'd like to register.

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But on Android devices with Play Services, this one hour timer is across all apps using Firebase Analytics. In addition, Firebase Analytics will send down all of its data from the client if your user triggers a conversion event (like making an in-app purchase).

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to Firebase Google Group. Hi Ethan, First_open events are logged the first time a new app is launched. So installing on a new device, uninstalling and reinstalling on the same device, or deleting local data for the app would all trigger this.

1 Answers

it's better to put extra info for the log in the bundle and use the firebase general event type for logEvent. when you use a custom event name for logEvent firebase will limit the length of the data's character you send. for example, if you want to send user clicks events to firebase its better to use this approach

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, yourValue);

bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CONTENT_TYPE , "CLICKS");

FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(this).logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SELECT_CONTENT, bundle);

the FireBase event is set to select_content. and also we defined a content type with the name "CLICKS". so whenever you open the firebase console if you filter SELECT_CONTENT tag you will see "CLICKS" content that holds all log that you send. the values are showing as ITEM_ID value in console. if you want to test you can use debug view with a device to test what your client sends to fireBase each time . hope this will helps you att all.

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MohammadReza Berenji Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

MohammadReza Berenji