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firebase cloud firestore pricing on batch operations


If we use the batch API to write something to firestore, is it going to be counted as a single write operation on pricing >

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Sowmyan Soman Avatar asked Jan 25 '18 05:01

Sowmyan Soman

People also ask

How expensive is Firebase firestore?

For 1,000,000 app installs (100,000 Daily Active Users): $292.02/month.

What is the maximum documents that are write by per transaction or batch of write in cloud firestore?

Each transaction or batch of writes can write to a maximum of 500 documents.

Is firestore more expensive than Realtime Database?

Firestore gets more expensive with more read/write operations performed. Firestore may charge less than Realtime Database for bandwidth and storage, but it also charges you for operations performed on your database (read, write, delete, etc.).

Is Firebase free for commercial use?

Firebase offers a no-cost tier pricing plan for all its products. For some products, usage continues at no cost no matter your level of use. For other products, if you need high levels of use, you'll need to switch your project to a paid-tier pricing plan.

1 Answers

No. You are still charged for each individual document write.

like image 148
Dan McGrath Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10

Dan McGrath