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Firebase CLI: No project is currently active

I'm following this Firebase intro tutorial:


I follow the instructions and when I get to step 3, I run firebase use --add and I get the following:

# firebase use --add

> [email protected] firebase ~/repos/friendlychat/web-start
> firebase "use"

No project is currently active.

Run firebase use --add to define a new project alias.

But if I run firebase list I see this:

│ Name         │ Project ID / Instance │ Permissions │
│ FriendlyChat │ friendlychat-x3sd0    │ Owner       │

So I am clearly logged in correctly as I can list my projects and have some sort of access to them on the CLI. But does the error mean it's not active? How do I activate it? There is nothing in the tutorial about this.

What am I missing here? Seems like it's something obvious that I'm just not seeing.

like image 708
Jake Wilson Avatar asked May 06 '17 06:05

Jake Wilson

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1 Answers

To active a Firebase project, you can run command firebase use <project-id>, in your case it would be firebase use friendlychat-x3sd0.

like image 58
Angy QR Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Angy QR