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Fire a pinch in/out command to Android phone using adb




So far I'm able to tap, swipe, unlock, install/uninstall and launch app using adb commands but not able to find how to perform zoom in/out using adb command.

I have got coordinates of pinch in/out but not understanding how to fire them using adb command from terminal.

For example , we have command --> adb shell input tap x y So in this we can replace x and y with values/coordinates similarly I want to know the way to simulate pinch in/out.

Coordinates that I get for pinch-in are below.

like image 917
nikhil84 Avatar asked Aug 18 '14 12:08


People also ask

How do I target a specific device on adb?

Just pass the -d switch to adb to target our device. If we had a single emulator instance and one or more physical devices attached we could pass in the -e switch to adb which targets emulator. The final switch we can use for device targeting is the -s switch, which stands for serial number.

How do I use adb to switch phones?

Plug in your phone via USB, then type adb reboot and hit enter. Also try adb reboot recovery. This will not work for all phones when they are switched off, but it is worth a try.

2 Answers

You can do it using adb getevent and sendevent.
Connect you device using adb. Follow the steps below.

  1. Identify your Input device:
    Open any image on your device. To list input devices, run

    $ adb shell getevent   
    add device 1: /dev/input/event7   
    name:     "msm8226-tapan9302-snd-card Headset Jack"
    add device 2: /dev/input/event6
      name:     "msm8226-tapan9302-snd-card Button Jack"
    add device 3: /dev/input/event2
      name:     "synaptics_dsx_i2c"
    add device 4: /dev/input/event4
      name:     "qpnp_pon"

    Pinch in/out on the image, you should see some continuous logs like

    /dev/input/event2: 0003 0030 00000005
    /dev/input/event2: 0000 0000 00000000
    /dev/input/event2: 0003 002f 00000000
    /dev/input/event2: 0003 0036 00000144
    /dev/input/event2: 0003 003a 00000079
    /dev/input/event2: 0000 0000 00000000
    /dev/input/event2: 0003 0036 00000142

    Confirms /dev/input/event2 is the input device name for my target device.

  2. Get exact getevent and convert getevent to sendevent:

    Make sure your screen switched on and is open with some image,
    Run the below command on the prompt.

    $ adb shell getevent | grep dev/input/event2 > getevent_input.txt

    While the above is running, Pinch in/out on the image on your phone.

    Once completed, Kill the above command Ctrl + C
    Open file getevent_input.txt and delete first line "add device X: /dev/input/eventX" from it.

    Since getevent returns values in decimal, and sendevent takes value in hexadecimal.
    We have to do the above conversion.
    This script hex_to_dec.py here does the Job. Thanks to this guy!

    $./hex_to_dec.py  getevent_input.txt 

    Generates a file getevent_input.scr, Now rename this file to .sh

    $ mv getevent_input.scr  sendevent_input.sh

    Open file sendevent_input.sh and delete second line "echoing – drawing function" and save it.

  3. Run on device.
    Transfer sendevent_input.sh to device.

    $ adb push sendevent_input.sh /sdcard/
    1615 KB/s (64379 bytes in 0.038s)

    Make sure you device has an image open, and screen is not off.

    $ adb shell sh /sdcard/sendevent_input.sh

Worked perfectly fine for me, If this what you looking for.
For visible results, enable Show touches in Developer Options.

Environment: Motorola Moto G (Android 4.4.4) with ADB (v 1.0.31) on Ubuntu 12.04.

like image 167
Saurabh Meshram Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 13:10

Saurabh Meshram

A (kind of hacky) solution with adb shell input looks like

adb shell input tap 200 200 & PIDTAP=$!
sleep 0.1
adb shell input swipe 200 200 200 100 1000 & PIDSWIPE=$!
wait $PIDTAP

The idea is that we launch TAP command, then short sleep and then perform SWIPE. Such commands sequence is interpreted as tap + swipe hence zoom is performed. The example above would be a zoom out on a map.

like image 3
Anton Rutkevich Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10

Anton Rutkevich