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Finding winner of each player group in a tournament - PostgreSQL

This question on PostgreSQL is bugging me for quite some time now. Iv'e tried myself and searched everywhere I could but could not end up with a result that takes the player from group 3 into account. So even though this question might be a duplicate, the right answer wasn't found. Would love some help.

the question is as follows: Write an SQL query that returns a table containing the winner in each group. Each record should contain the ID of the group and the ID of the winner in this group (players from the same group compete). Records should be ordered by increasing ID number of the group, and in case of a tie, the player with the lowest ID wins.

Given this schema:


| Column Name | Type  |
| player_id   | int   |
| group_id    | int   |


| Column Name   | Type    |
| match_id      | int     |
| first_player  | int     |
| second_player | int     | 
| first_score   | int     |
| second_score  | int     |

For the following example:

Players table:

| player_id | group_id   |
| 20        | 2          |
| 30        | 1          |
| 40        | 3          |
| 45        | 1          |
| 50        | 2          |
| 40        | 1          |

Matches table:

| match_id   | first_player | second_player | first_score | second_score |
| 1          | 30           | 45            | 10          | 12           |
| 2          | 20           | 50            | 5           | 5            |
| 3          | 65           | 45            | 10          | 10           |
| 4          | 30           | 65            | 3           | 15           |
| 5          | 45           | 65            | 8           | 4            |

your query should return:

| group_id  | winner_id  | tot_score  |
| 1         | 45         | 30         |
| 2         | 20         | 5          |
| 3         | 40         | 0          |

in group 1 player 45 scored the most points. in group 2 both players scored 5 points, but player 20 has lower ID therefore he's the winner. in group 3 there is only one player and although he didn't play any matches, he is the winner.

the best iv'e managed to do so far is (on PostgreSQL):

SELECT group_id, player_id, score
    SELECT sq2.player_id, p.group_id, sq2.score, 
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY p.group_id ORDER BY score DESC) as position
      SELECT player_id, SUM(score) score
      FROM (
        SELECT first_player as player_id, first_score as score FROM matches
        UNION ALL
        SELECT second_player as player_id, second_score as score FROM matches
      ) as sq1
      GROUP BY player_id
    ) as sq2
    right join players p
    on p.player_id = sq2.player_id
) as sq3
WHERE position = 1 order by group_id, player_id

Which outputs this:

| group_id  | player_id             | score      |
| 1         | 45                    | 30         |
| 2         | 20                    | 5          |
| 2         | 50                    | 5          |
| 3         | [NULL](instead of 40) | [NULL] (should be 0)|

Could you help generate a query with the complete correct result? (with the details for the player with group 3)

Would also like to know why is the query returning NULL in player_id for the right join. Appreciate the help!

* this question apparently is also a question on Leetcode.com, called "Tournament winners" *

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VcMr Avatar asked Jan 22 '20 15:01


People also ask

How do you find the winner of a competition in SQL?

the question is as follows: Write an SQL query that returns a table containing the winner in each group. Each record should contain the ID of the group and the ID of the winner in this group (players from the same group compete).

How to get the first record for each group in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, We can get a first record for each GROUP using different options like: Using DISTINCT ON. Using LATERAL. CTE with ROW_NUMBER() CTE with LATERAL. Subquery with ROW_NUMBER() Using array_agg()

Can you write a query that returns the winner in each group?

So even though this question might be a duplicate, the right answer wasn't found. Would love some help. the question is as follows: Write an SQL query that returns a table containing the winner in each group. Each record should contain the ID of the group and the ID of the winner in this group (players from the same group compete).

What is the use of over clause in PostgreSQL?

The most interesting piece is the inner query that utilizes the OVER clause. OVER describes how to window the results. PARTITION BY splits, or partitions, the data into groups with the same value for the specified column. In this case, it builds groups of the same color. ORDER BY within an OVER clause tells PostgreSQL how to order each group.

4 Answers

You can use distinct on and aggregation as follows:

select distinct on (p.group_id)
    player_id winner_id, 
    coalesce(sum(first_score) filter(where p.player_id = m.first_player), 0)
        + coalesce(sum(second_score) filter(where p.player_id = m.second_player), 0) 
from players p
left join matches m on p.player_id in (m.first_player, m.second_player)
group by p.group_id, p.player_id
order by p.group_id, tot_score desc, p.player_id

This works by joining the players and the matches with an in condition. Then, we use conditional aggregation to compute the total score of each player. Finally, distinct on gets the top player per group.

Demo on DB Fiddle:

group_id | winner_id | tot_score
-------: | --------: | --------:
       1 |        45 |        30
       2 |        20 |         5
       3 |        40 |         0

NB: Thanks for the well-asked question! SO could use more of that.

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GMB Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10


I am going to recommend a lateral join along with the distinct on:

select distinct on (p.group_id) p.group_id, p.player_id, sum(v.win_score)
from players p left join
     (matches m left join lateral
      (values ((case when m.first_score > m.second_score then m.first_player else m.second_player end),
               (case when m.first_score > m.second_score then m.first_score else m.second_score end)
      ) v(winner, win_score)
      on 1=1
     on v.winner = p.player_id
group by p.group_id, p.player_id
order by p.group_id, sum(v.win_score) desc nulls last, p.player_id;

Here is a db<>fiddle

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Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Gordon Linoff

here's my solution. Basically what I did:

  1. make the table into two columns
  2. left join, use coalesce to fix the null values
  3. create score_rank, ranking based on the score (descending)
  4. use where function where score_rank = 1 (this will filter players based on their highest score first)
  5. now to solve the tie score of group_id number 2 (where the score is a tie and winner is based on the winner_id), create a row_number based on winner_id, ascending. Because 20 is higher than 50, it will get rank 1. now we can use where winner_rank = 1

the catch is, I think my code is not too effective because I use like 5 ctes. Looking forward to know if there's a simpler solution (I am not a fan of using subquery)

here's the dbfiddle link https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/oyTAQZL5bcFARvvjv2ad4X/1

with matches as(
select *
select first_player as winner_id,first_score as score
from matches 
select second_player, second_score
from matches) as matches

players_1 as( 

select group_id,
coalesce(winner_id,player_id) as winner_id,
coalesce(score,0) as score
from players
left join matches on matches.winner_id = players.player_id

players_2 as (
sum(score) as score
from players_1
group by group_id,winner_id

players_3 as (
rank () over (partition by group_id order by score desc) as score_rank
from players_2

players_4 as (
select group_id,winner_id,score,
row_number () over (partition by group_id order by winner_id asc) as winner_rank
from players_3 
where score_rank =1

select group_id, winner_id, score
from players_4 
where winner_rank = 1
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calvindewilde Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10


here is the solution for MSSQL.

WITH match_winners AS 
select case
        when m1.first_score > m1.second_score THEN m1.first_player
        when m1.first_score < m1.second_score THEN m1.second_player
        when m1.first_score = m1.second_score AND m1.first_player > m1.second_player THEN m1.second_player 
        when m1.first_score = m1.second_score AND m1.first_player < m1.second_player THEN m1.first_player
    END as 'winner_id', 
    case WHEN m1.first_score>m1.second_score THEN m1.first_score
        ELSE m1.second_score 
    END AS 'winscore',
from matches m1
SELECT  group_id, player_id, COALESCE(winscore,0)
    SELECT  p.group_id,  p.player_id, SUM(mw.winscore) as 'winscore',
            rank() OVER (PARTITION BY p.group_id ORDER BY SUM(mw.winscore) DESC) AS result
    FROM players  p 
        LEFT JOIN match_winners mw ON mw.winner_id = p.player_id 
        LEFT JOIN matches m ON m.match_id = mw.match_id 
    GROUP BY p.group_id,  p.player_id
 ) rank_group_winners
 WHERE rank_group_winners.result = 1

May not be the most eloquent solution but I found it more intuitive to construct the winners table first. Obviously, open for a challenge.

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Omar Khazamov Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Omar Khazamov