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Finding which process was killed by Linux OOM killer [closed]

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Which process was killed by OOM?

While you might think this should not be a problem, the OOM Killer kills processes that the server has deemed non-essential, not the user. For example, the two applications the OOM Killer usually kills first are Apache® and MySQL® because they use a large amount of memory.

How do you check if a process is killed by OOM?

You can use the OOM Killer logs both to identify which hosts in your system have run out of memory and to get detailed information on how much memory different processes were using at the time of the error. You can find an annotated example in the git commit that added this logging information to the Linux kernel.

How do you check what killed a process in Linux?

To verify that the process has been killed, run the pidof command and you will not be able to view the PID. In the above example, the number 9 is the signal number for the SIGKILL signal.

How do I know if OOM killer is enabled in Linux?

If you want to enable OOM-Killer runtime, then use sysctl command to enable that. The other way to enable or disable is to write the panic_on_oom variable, you can always check the value in /proc. When you set the value to 0 that means the kernel will not panic when out of memory error occurred.

Try this out:

grep -i 'killed process' /var/log/messages

Try this so you don't need to worry about where your logs are:

dmesg -T | egrep -i 'killed process'

-T, --ctime - Print human-readable timestamps.

Now dstat provides the feature to find out in your running system which process is candidate for getting killed by oom mechanism

dstat --top-oom
  kill score
 java           77
 java           77
 java           77

and as per man page

          show process that will be killed by OOM the first

Try this out:

grep "Killed process" /var/log/syslog