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Finding the count of <td> Jquery

I have the following HTML structure and I wanted to find out the length of immediate <td>s. here is the code that I am using:-

<table class="PrintTable">
                <tr><th>Type Of Transaction</th></tr>


The function that I am using to find out the length of td is

function getBody(element)
    var divider=2;
    var originalTable=element.clone();
    var tds = $(originalTable).children('tr').children('td').length;


The result I am seeing is 0. No clue at all. I am expecting 2. Any help will be appreciated.

like image 892
Nrusingha Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 20:01


2 Answers

I think you want to use the following.



You will want to use the tr tag as the start selector and then count each td selector using first to take just the first one.

$("tr", $("td:first")).length
like image 133
phillip Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10


I removed the asterisks out of your HTML and made some assumptions about how you're invoking getBody, so if I did anything that wasn't right, let me know.

Code: http://jsfiddle.net/27ygP/

function getBody(element) {
    var divider = 2;
    var originalTable = element.clone();
    var tds = $(originalTable).children('tbody').children('tr').children('td').length;


The big change was the add a .children('tbody'). The HTML interpreter wraps the trs in tbody. Traverse down into that, and you'll be fine.

like image 43
Steven Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10
