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Finding minimum element based on a transformed value

Here is the task came to me from a code review. I want to select a minimum value from a set, based on a special kind of compare predicate. Like this:

struct Complex { ... };

float calcReduction(Complex elem);

Complex findMinValueWithPredicates(const std::vector<Complex>& values)
  auto it = std::min_element(values.begin(), values.end(), 
                             [](const Complex& a, const Complex& b) { 
                               return calcReduction(a) < calcReduction(b); 

  if (it == values.end()) throw std::runtime_error("");

  return *it;

Here I find the minimum element based on a predicate. This predicate computes a reduction of both values to float and then compares those floats. Works fine, looks neat.

Can you see the problem? Yes, for a set of N elements calcReduction() is called 2N times, while it is enough to compute it only N times - once for each element.

One way to solve this problem is to write explicit computations:

Complex findMinValueExplicit(const std::vector<Complex>& values)
  float minReduction = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
  Complex minValue;

  for (Complex value : values)
    float reduction = calcReduction(value);
    if (reduction < minReduction)
      minReduction = reduction;
      minValue = value;

  if (minReduction == std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) throw std::runtime_error("");

  return minValue;

It works fine and we only have N calls to calcReduction(). However, it looks too verbose and the intent is not such clear, as compared to explicit call of min_element. Because when you call min_element it is really easy to guess you are going to find a minimum element, you know.

The only idea I have for now is to create my own algorithm like min_element_with_reduction, accepting a range and a reduction function. Sounds reasonable, but I wonder whether there are any ready solutions.

Any ideas on how to solve this task with clear intent and some ready solutions? Boost is welcomed. C++17 and ranges are interesting to see.

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Mikhail Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 16:10


3 Answers

You could use boost::range library.

auto reductionLambda = [](const Complex& a) { return calcReduction(a); };
auto it = boost::range::min_element(values | boost::adaptors::transformed( 

Ranges themselves should be coming to the standard C++ with C++17 as well.


As we figured out in comments, this would also make the conversion twice.

So here's something fun:

#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/assign.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

template <class Iterator, class UnaryFunction>
class memoizing_transform_iterator
  : public boost::iterator_adaptor<
        memoizing_transform_iterator<Iterator, UnaryFunction> // Derived
      , Iterator                                              // Base
      , std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<UnaryFunction>()(std::declval<typename Iterator::value_type>()))> // Value
      , boost::forward_traversal_tag    // CategoryOrTraversal
    memoizing_transform_iterator() {}

    explicit memoizing_transform_iterator(Iterator iter, UnaryFunction f)
      : memoizing_transform_iterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter), fun(f) {}

    static int total;
    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
    void increment() { ++this->base_reference(); memoized = false; }

    using MemoType = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<UnaryFunction>()(std::declval<typename Iterator::value_type>()))>;      

    MemoType& dereference() const 
        if (!memoized) {
            memoized = true;
            memo = fun(*this->base());
        return memo;

    UnaryFunction fun;
    mutable bool memoized = false;
    mutable MemoType memo;

template <class Iterator, class UnaryFunction>
auto make_memoizing_transform_iterator(Iterator i, UnaryFunction&& f)
    return memoizing_transform_iterator<Iterator, UnaryFunction>(i, f);

template<class I, class U>
int memoizing_transform_iterator<I, U>::total = 0;

template<typename _ForwardIterator>
     min_el(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
       if (__first == __last)
     return __first;
       _ForwardIterator __result = __first;
       while (++__first != __last)
     if (*__first < *__result)
       __result = __first;
       return __result;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    using namespace boost::assign;

    std::vector<int> input;
    input += 2,3,4,1,5,6,7,8,9,10;

    auto transformLambda = [](const int& a) { return a*2; };

    auto begin_it = make_memoizing_transform_iterator(input.begin(), std::ref(transformLambda));
    auto end_it = make_memoizing_transform_iterator(input.end(), std::ref(transformLambda));
    std::cout << *min_el(begin_it, end_it).base() << "\n";

    std::cout <<begin_it.total;

    return 0;

Basically I implemented an iterator that memoizes the result of calling the transformation functor. The weird part though is that at least in online compilers, the iterators are copied before their dereferenced values are compared (thus defeating the purpose of memoizing). However when I simply copied the implementation from libstdc++, it works as expected. Perhaps you could try it out on a real machine? The live example is here.

Small edit: I tested on VS2015 and it works as expected with std::min_element.

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Rostislav Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 01:10


Here's a solution using (already works with the range-v3 library, the implementation by the author of the upcoming Ranges TS)

#include <range/v3/all.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

using namespace ranges::v3;

int main()
    auto const expensive = [](auto x) { static int n; std::cout << n++ << " "; return x; };
    auto const v = view::closed_iota(1,10) | view::transform(expensive); 

    auto const m1 = *min_element(v);
    std::cout << "\n" << m1 << "\n";

    auto const inf = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();    
    auto const min = [](auto x, auto y) { return std::min(x, y); };

    auto const m2 = accumulate(v, inf, min);
    std::cout << "\n" << m2 << "\n";    

Live On Coliru with output:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 

As you can see, using min_element takes 2N comparisons, but using accumulate only N.

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TemplateRex Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10


The only thing missing is the meta-iterator.

A meta-iterator takes an iterator, and creates an iterator that contains a copy of it. It passes all operations through to the contained iterator, except when dereferenced returns a copy of the contained iterator instead.

With any care, the code used for this also works to create an iterator over size_t or int or similar torsor-likes.

template<class It, class R>
struct reduced_t {
  It it;
  R r;
  friend bool operator<( reduced_t const& lhs, reduced_t const& rhs ) {
    return lhs.r < rhs.r;
template<class It, class F>
reduced_t<It, std::result_of_t<F(typename std::iterator_traits<It>::reference)>>
reducer( It it, F&& f ) {
  return {it, std::forward<F>(f)(*it)};

template<class It, class F>
It reduce( It begin, It end, F&& f ) {
  if (begin==end)
    return begin;

  return std::accumulate(
    meta_iterator(std::next(begin)), meta_iterator(end),
    reducer(begin, f),
      auto&& reduced, // reduced_t<blah...> in C++11
      It i
    ) {
      auto r2 = reducer( i, f );
      return (std::min)(reduced, r2);

f(*it) is called exactly once per iterator.

I wouldn't call this ... obvious. The trick is that we use accumulate and meta-iterators to implement min_element, then we can have accumulate operate on transformed elements (which gets called once, and returned).

You could rewrite it in stack-based programming style using primitives, but there are lots of primitives to write. Maybe post ranges-v3.

At this point, I'm imagining having some high-powered compositional programming library. If I did, we could do the following:

reducer( X, f ) can be rewritten graph( deref |then| f )(X) using order_by( get_n_t<1> ) for ordering.

The accumulate call could read accumulate( skip_first(range), g(begin(range)), get_least( order_by( get_n_t<1> ) ) ).

Not sure if that is any clearer.

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont