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Finding index of maximum value in array with NumPy

I would like to find a maximum in a float64 array, excluding nan values.

I saw np.nanmax function but it doesn't give the index corresponding to the found value.

it 's quite strange to scan after to the value specially the function necessarily use the index ??? Can't it be a mistake searching like that .

isn't there a way to recover the index directly ?

like image 473
froggy Avatar asked Feb 24 '14 13:02


People also ask

How do you find the index of the largest value in an array in Python?

index() functions to find out the index of the maximum value in a list. Use the enumerate() function to find out the index of the maximum value in a list. Use the numpy. argmax() function of the NumPy library to find out the index of the maximum value in a list.

What is the way to find the maximum number in the NumPy array in Python?

Here, we create a single-dimensional NumPy array of integers. Now try to find the maximum element. To do this we have to use numpy. max(“array name”) function.

2 Answers

Numpy has an argmax function that returns just that, although you will have to deal with the nans manually. nans always get sorted to the end of an array, so with that in mind you can do:

a = np.random.rand(10000)
a[np.random.randint(10000, size=(10,))] = np.nan
a = a.reshape(100, 100)

def nanargmax(a):
    idx = np.argmax(a, axis=None)
    multi_idx = np.unravel_index(idx, a.shape)
    if np.isnan(a[multi_idx]):
        nan_count = np.sum(np.isnan(a))
        # In numpy < 1.8 use idx = np.argsort(a, axis=None)[-nan_count-1]
        idx = np.argpartition(a, -nan_count-1, axis=None)[-nan_count-1]
        multi_idx = np.unravel_index(idx, a.shape)
    return multi_idx

>>> nanargmax(a)
(20, 93)
like image 76
Jaime Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10


You should use np.where

In [17]: a=np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=10)

In [18]: a
array([ 1.43249468,  4.93950873,  7.22094395,  1.20248629,  4.66783985,
        6.17578054,  4.6542771 ,  7.09244492,  7.58580515,  5.72501954])

In [20]: np.where(a==a.max())
Out[20]: (array([8]),)

This also works for 2 arrays, the returned value, is the index. Here we create a range from 1 to 9:

 x = np.arange(9.).reshape(3, 3)

This returns the index, of the the items that equal 5:

In [34]: np.where(x == 5)
Out[34]: (array([1]), array([2])) # the first one is the row index, the second is the column

You can use this value directly to slice your array:

In [35]: x[np.where(x == 5)]
Out[35]: array([ 5.])
like image 32
oz123 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10
