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Finding binomial coefficient for large n and k modulo m

I want to compute nCk mod m with following constraints:




I have read this article:

Calculating Binomial Coefficient (nCk) for large n & k

But here value of m is 1009. Hence using Lucas theorem, we need only to calculate 1009*1009 different values of aCb where a,b<=1009

How to do it with above constraints. I cannot make a array of O(m*k) space complexity with given constraints.


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habaddu arya Avatar asked Feb 05 '16 14:02

habaddu arya

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1 Answers

The binominal coefficient of (n, k) is calculated by the formula:

(n, k) = n! / k! / (n - k)!

To make this work for large numbers n and k modulo m observe that:

  1. Factorial of a number modulo m can be calculated step-by-step, in each step taking the result % m. However, this will be far too slow with n up to 10^18. So there are faster methods where the complexity is bounded by the modulo, and you can use some of those.

  2. The division (a / b) mod m is equal to (a * b^-1) mod m, where b^-1 is the inverse of b modulo m (that is, (b * b^-1 = 1) mod m).

This means that:

(n, k) mod m = (n! * (k!)^-1 * ((n - k)!)^-1) mod m

The inverse of a number can be efficiently found using the Extended Euclidean algorithm. Assuming you have the factorial calculation sorted out, the rest of the algorithm is straightforward, just watch out for integer overflows on multiplication. Here's reference code that works up to n=10^9. To handle for larger numbers the factorial computation should be replaced with a more efficient algorithm and the code should be slightly adapted to avoid integer overflows, but the main idea will remain the same:

#define MOD 1000000007

// Extended Euclidean algorithm
int xGCD(int a, int b, int &x, int &y) {
    if (b == 0) {
        x = 1;
        y = 0;
        return a;

    int x1, y1, gcd = xGCD(b, a % b, x1, y1);
    x = y1;
    y = x1 - (long long)(a / b) * y1;
    return gcd;

// factorial of n modulo MOD
int modfact(int n) {
    int result = 1;
    while (n > 1) {
        result = (long long)result * n % MOD;
        n -= 1;
    return result;

// multiply a and b modulo MOD
int modmult(int a, int b) {
    return (long long)a * b % MOD;

// inverse of a modulo MOD
int inverse(int a) {
    int x, y;
    xGCD(a, MOD, x, y);
    return x;

// binomial coefficient nCk modulo MOD
int bc(int n, int k)
    return modmult(modmult(modfact(n), inverse(modfact(k))), inverse(modfact(n - k)));
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kfx Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
