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Finding and removing orphaned web pages, images, and other related files

I am working on a number of websites with files dating back to 2000. These sites have grown organically over time resulting in large numbers of orphaned web pages, include files, images, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc... These orphaned files cause a number of problems including poor maintainability, possible security holes, poor customer experience, and driving OCD/GTD freaks like myself crazy.

These files number in the thousands so a completely manual solution is not feasible. Ultimately, the cleanup process will require a fairly large QA effort in order to ensure we have not inadvertently deleted needed files but I am hoping to develop a technological solution to help speed the manual effort. Additionally, I hope to put processes/utilities in place to help prevent this state of disorganization from happening in the future.

Environment Considerations:

  • Classic ASP and .Net
  • Windows servers running IIS 6 and IIS 7
  • Multiple environments (Dev, Integration, QA, Stage, Prodction)
  • TFS for source control

Before I start I would like to get some feedback from others who have successfully navigated a similar process.

Specifically I am looking for:

  • Process for identifying and cleaning up orphaned files
  • Process for keeping environments clean from orphaned files
  • Utilities that help identify orphaned files
  • Utilities that help identify broken links (once files have been removed)

I am not looking for:

  • Solutions to my organizational OCD...I like how I am.
  • Snide comments about us still using classic ASP. I already feel the pain. There is no need to rub it in.
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William Edmondson Avatar asked Nov 09 '09 18:11

William Edmondson

People also ask

How do I resolve an orphan page issue?

Because the old link still exists on that other website, Google will still find it. How to fix: Since you don't control the links on other websites, the only way to fix this type of orphan page is to reach out to the site owner and ask them to update to the correct new location of the page.

1 Answers

At first I thought you could get away by scanning files for links, and then doing a diff against your folder structure - but this only identifies simple orphans, not collections of orphaned files that reference each other. So, using grep probably won't get you all the way there.

This isn't a trivial solution, but would make an excellent utility for keeping your environment clean (and therefore, worth the effort). Plus, you can re-use it across all environments (and share it with others!)

The basic idea is to setup and populate a directional graph where each node's key is an absolute path. This is done by scanning all the files and adding dependencies - for example:

/index.html     -> /subfolder/file.jpg
                -> /subfolder/temp.html
                -> /error.html
/temp.html      -> /index.html
/stray.html     -> /index.html

Then, you can identify all your "reachable" files by doing a BFS on your root page.

With the directional graph, you can also classify files by their in and out degree. In the example above:

/index.html     in: 1 out: 2
/temp.html      in: 1 out: 1
/error.html     in: 1 out: 0
/stray.html     in: 0 out: 1
/abandoned.html in: 0 out: 0

So, you're basically looking for files that have in = 0 that are abandoned.

Additionally, files that have out = 0 are going to be terminal pages; which may or may not be desirable on your site (as error suggests, it's an error page).

like image 112
emptyset Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
