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How to display a custom error page when Request Validation Exceptions are thrown?

We've configured our custom error pages as below for exceptions thrown by ASP.NET:

<customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
  <error statusCode="400" redirect="~/400.aspx"/>
  <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/404.aspx"/>
  <error statusCode="500" redirect="~/500.aspx"/>

Setting redirectMode="ResponseRewrite" is important as it ensures the URL does not change (I believe ASP.NET performs a Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect).

Unfortunately this does not work for Request Validation Errors. For example, with custom errors enabled if I navigate to /some/page/<script> ASP.NET's request validation kicks in and a HttpException is thrown. However instead of displaying my custom error page I get the following message:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.

Why is it that ASP.NET can not display my custom error page in this scenario? There is no code in the error page, just HTML so I know that the error page itself is not throwing any exceptions.

Also, if I catch the error myself in Application_Error and issue a Server.Transfer it works fine so I'm curious what ASP.NET is doing under the covers.

If we are to handle this ourselves, is there a better solution than this?

protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var ex = Server.GetLastError() as HttpException;
    if (ex != null 
        && ex.Message.StartsWith("A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client")
        && HttpContext.Current.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
like image 479
Ben Foster Avatar asked Jan 11 '14 22:01

Ben Foster

People also ask

How do I find a custom error page?

To display a custom error page with an appropriate error code, use the <httpErrors> section only, and do not use the <customErrors> section. Add the following <httpErrors> section under <system. webServer> section, as shown below.

Which of the following attribute of the customErrors section is used to show custom error page in asp net?

The <customErrors> section in Web. config has two attributes that affect what error page is shown: defaultRedirect and mode . The defaultRedirect attribute is optional. If provided, it specifies the URL of the custom error page and indicates that the custom error page should be shown instead of the Runtime Error YSOD.

Which is used for configuring the custom error page to custom error code in web config file?

The <customErrors> element under system. web in web. config is used to configure error code to a custom page. It can be used to configure custom pages for any error code 4xx or 5xx.

1 Answers

To be sure that you not omit any error codes that could occur in you webapp you can add default error page:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error.aspx" />

And if you want to catch only RequestValidationErrors than you can handle it in your global.asax file:

 void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
    if (ex is HttpRequestValidationException)
        Response.Redirect("RequestValidationError.aspx", false);
like image 60
Lesmian Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
