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Find type of bluetooth device whether mobile or laptop's or mac pc's

I am developing an android game application played using bluetooth. While searching for bluetooth device, results contain both mobile devices as well as mac pc/laptops. I would like to list only the mobile devices in my result list. Is it possible to find whether the device detected is mobile device or not?

like image 458
androidGuy Avatar asked May 13 '11 09:05


People also ask

Is a laptop a Bluetooth device?

Some PCs, such as laptops and tablets, have Bluetooth built in. If your PC doesn't, you can plug a USB Bluetooth adapter into the USB port on your PC to get it.

How do you know if laptop has Bluetooth?

Check Bluetooth capabilityRight-click the Windows icon, then click Device Manager. Look for the Bluetooth heading.

1 Answers

When you have BluetoothDevice you can call getBluetoothClass. Smart phones are expected to have PHONE_SMART value, while computers should have COMPUTER_* values (for example COMPUTER_DESKTOP or COMPUTER_LAPTOP).

like image 54
inazaruk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
