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Find the start and end date of consecutive days in a column of the same index using pandas

I have a data frame df:

df =

index  date        hats
A1     01-01-2020  5
A1     02-01-2020  10
A1     03-01-2020  16
A1     04-01-2020  16
A1     21-01-2020  9
A1     22-01-2020  8
A1     23-01-2020  7
A6     20-03-2020  5
A6     21-03-2020  5
A8     30-07-2020  12

Here, the first four rows are consecutive days. I want to know the start date and end date of all such consecutive days in the data frame. If there is only one day in a series like wise A8 index in the df then the start date and and end will be same. Moreover, I am also interested in knowing the highest value in df['hats'] column in the series of consecutive days and return its date in a seperate column high_hat along with its date high_hat_date. If there are two or more equal high values in a series of consecutive days then write the number of occurrence of high value in a new column num_hat, and write the first occurrence date in high_hat_date.

The example output for the above data frame is as follows:

index   start_date    end_date    high_hat    high_hat_date   num_hat
A1      01-01-2020    04-01-2020  16          03-01-2020      2
A1      21-01-2020    23-01-2020  9           21-01-2020      1
A6      20-03-2020    21-03-2020  5           20-03-2020      2
A8      30-07-2020    30-07-2020  12          30-07-2020      1     

Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

like image 853
Gun Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 06:03


1 Answers

First using pd.to_datetime convert the date column to pandas datetime series:

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], dayfirst=True)

Then use:

g = df.groupby('index')['date'].diff().dt.days.ne(1).cumsum() # STEP A
m = df.groupby(['index', g])['hats'].transform('max').eq(df['hats']) # STEP B

df = df.assign(high_hats=df['hats'].mask(~m), high_date=df['date'].mask(~m)) # STEP C

dct = {'start_date': ('date', 'first'), 'end_date': ('date', 'last'), 'high_hat': ('hats', 'max'),
       'high_hat_date': ('high_date', 'first'), 'num_hats': ('high_hats', 'count')}
df1 = df.groupby(['index', g]).agg(**dct).reset_index().drop('date', 1) # STEP D


STEP A: Use DataFrame.groupby on index and use groupby.diff on date to calculate the the days elapsed between successive dates then use Series.dt.days + Series.ne along with Series.cumsum to create a grouping series g which will be needed to group the dataframe on consecutive dates.

# print(g)
0    1
1    1
2    1
3    1
4    2
5    2
6    2
7    3
8    3
9    4
Name: date, dtype: int64

STEP B: Use DataFrame.groupby on index and g and use groupby.transform to transform the column hats using max then using Series.eq equate it with hats column to create a boolean mask m.

# print(m)
0    False
1    False
2     True
3     True
4     True
5    False
6    False
7     True
8     True
9     True
Name: hats, dtype: bool

STEP C: Next use DataFrame.assign to assign two new columns high_hats and high_date which will be used in STEP D for calculation of high_hat_date and num_hats.

# print(df)    
  index       date  hats  high_hats  high_date
0    A1 2020-01-01     5        NaN        NaT
1    A1 2020-01-02    10        NaN        NaT
2    A1 2020-01-03    16       16.0 2020-01-03
3    A1 2020-01-04    16       16.0 2020-01-04
4    A1 2020-01-21     9        9.0 2020-01-21
5    A1 2020-01-22     8        NaN        NaT
6    A1 2020-01-23     7        NaN        NaT
7    A6 2020-03-20     5        5.0 2020-03-20
8    A6 2020-03-21     5        5.0 2020-03-21
9    A8 2020-07-30    12       12.0 2020-07-30

STEP D: Using DataFrame.groupby on index and g and aggregate the dataframe using the aggregation dictionary dct which contains all the columns and their corresponding agg functions to be applied.

# print(df1)
  index start_date   end_date  high_hat high_hat_date  num_hats
0    A1 2020-01-01 2020-01-04        16    2020-01-03         2
1    A1 2020-01-21 2020-01-23         9    2020-01-21         1
2    A6 2020-03-20 2020-03-21         5    2020-03-20         2
3    A8 2020-07-30 2020-07-30        12    2020-07-30         1
like image 134
Shubham Sharma Avatar answered May 03 '23 01:05

Shubham Sharma