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Find table cell knowing row and column ids with jQuery

I have a simple table, where I have set IDs for headers and IDs for rows. Given an ID for both, I need to find a corresponding cell at the intersection of those two.


<table id="tablica">
        <th id="bla">Bla</th>
        <th id="bli">Bli</th>
        <th id="blu">Blu</th>
        <tr id="jedan">
        <tr id="dva">
        <tr id="tri">

So if I have id="bli" and id="dva", that means I want to do something with cell having value 5 in this example.

edit: There are a lot of correct answers, I upvoted all of them, but unfortunately I can only choose one as correct.

like image 486
eagerMoose Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 09:04


1 Answers

Here is my solution:

var column = $('#bli').index();
var cell = $('#dva').find('td').eq(column);

And working example on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/t8nWf/2/

added all in a function:

function getCell(column, row) {
    var column = $('#' + column).index();
    var row = $('#' + row)
    return row.find('td').eq(column);

Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/t8nWf/5/

like image 196
WolvDev Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
