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In jQuery, how do I animate the "max-height" CSS property?

I can easily animate the "opacity" property

$("#blah").animate({ opacity: 0.5}, 1000);

How can I animate the max-height css property... example:

$("#blah").animate({ "max-height": 350}, 1000);

(hint, that code doesn't work)

EDIT: To answer the questions below:

  1. There are multiple images all of css class "blah"
  2. The images are of random sizes, BUT they all have max-height: 100px
  3. When a user hovers over an image, I want it to animate the max-height (thereby smoothly un-restricting the height)
like image 810
Timothy Khouri Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 19:08

Timothy Khouri

People also ask

Can you animate height CSS?

You can still perform the actual animation with CSS, but you need to use JavaScript to compute the height of the items, instead of trying to use auto . No jQuery is required, although you may have to modify this a bit if you want compatibility (works in the latest version of Chrome :)).

Is it possible to manipulate all CSS properties with the jQuery animate method?

Is it possible to manipulate ALL CSS properties with the animate() method? Yes, almost!

What is animate method in jQuery?

The animate() method performs a custom animation of a set of CSS properties. This method changes an element from one state to another with CSS styles. The CSS property value is changed gradually, to create an animated effect. Only numeric values can be animated (like "margin:30px").

2 Answers

This question is getting a bit old, but here's how I solved it using basic jQuery, in case someone else needs a simple solution.

In my case, I have a list of blog posts which are first rendered to the page with a max-height which only shows the first 4 lines of text, the rest being overflow: hidden. I have a expand/collapse button which toggles the article from its collapsed form to expanded (fully displayed) and back again.

At first I tried animating the max-height property directly and, as you've discovered above, this won't work. I also tried this with css transitions with the same disappointing result.

I also tried just setting it to a very large number like '1000em', but this made the animations look dumb as it was literally interpolating to such a large value (as you'd expect).

My solution uses scrollHeight, which is used to determine the natural height of each story once the page is loaded as follows:

$(function(){ // DOM LOADED

  // For each story, determine its natural height and store it as data.
  // This is encapsulated into a self-executing function to isolate the 
  // variables from other things in my script.

    // First I grab the collapsed height that was set in the css for later use
    var collapsedHeight = $('article .story').css('maxHeight');

    // Now for each story, grab the scrollHeight property and store it as data 'natural'        
    $('article .story').each(function(){
      var $this = $(this);

      $this.data('natural', $this[0].scrollHeight);

    // Now, set-up the handler for the toggle buttons
    $('.expand').bind('click', function(){
      var $story = $(this).parent().siblings('.story').eq(0),
          duration = 250; // animation duration

      // I use a class 'expanded' as a flag to know what state it is in,
      // and to make style changes, as required.  
      if ($story.hasClass('expanded')) {
        // If it is already expanded, then collapse it using the css figure as
        // collected above and remove the expanded class
        $story.animate({'maxHeight': collapsedHeight}, duration);
      else {
        // If it is not expanded now, then animate the max-height to the natural
        // height as stored in data, then add the 'expanded' class
        $story.animate({'maxHeight': $story.data('natural')}, duration);

  })(); // end anonymous, self-executing function


To do the same with images, I would just wrap them in an outer div which is what you'll set the max-height and overflow:hidden on, just like I used div.story above.

like image 180
mkoistinen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09


I ran into the same thing.

The answer is to use "maxHeight" rather than "max-height" ...

like image 25
rfornal Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
