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Find max value and show corresponding value from different field in SQL server




I have a table with data about cities that includes their name, population and other fields irrelevant to my question.

ID      Name    Population 1       A       45667    2       B       123456   3       C       3005     4       D       13769    

To find the max population is basic, but I need a resulting table that has the max population in one column, and the corresponding city's name in another column

Population      Name     123456          B        

I've looked through similar questions, but for some reason the answers look over-complicated. Is there a way to write the query in 1 or 2 lines?

like image 846
HDunn Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 10:04


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1 Answers

There are several ways that this can be done:

A filter in the WHERE clause:

select id, name, population from yourtable where population in (select max(population)                      from yourtable) 

Or a subquery:

select id, name, population from yourtable t1 inner join (   select max(population) MaxPop   from yourtable ) t2   on t1.population = t2.maxpop; 

Or you can use TOP WITH TIES. If there can be no ties, then you can remove the with ties. This will include any rows that have the same population value:

select top 1 with ties id, name, population from yourtable order by population desc 

Since you are using SQL Server you can also use ranking functions to get the result:

select id, name, population from (   select id, name, population,     row_number() over(order by population desc) rn   from yourtable ) src where rn = 1 

See SQL Fiddle with Demo of all.

As a side note on the ranking function, you might want to use dense_rank() instead of row_number(). Then in the event you have more than one city with the same population you will get both city names. (See Demo)

like image 190
Taryn Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
