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Retrieve data from stored procedure which has multiple result sets

Given a stored procedure in SQL Server which has multiple select statements, is there a way to work with those results separately while calling the procedure?

For example:

alter procedure dbo.GetSomething as begin     select * from dbo.Person;     select * from dbo.Car; end; 

In .NET, if I call this proc, I can use a SqlDataReader to move between the two result sets, so I can easily retrieve all people and cars. In SQL however, when I execute the proc directly, I get both result sets.

If I call:

insert @myTempTable     exec dbo.GetSomething; 

Then it errors because the column definition doesn't match. If by some chance Person and Car have the same columns, it concatenates the two together, and @myTempTable gets all records from both tables, which obviously is no good either.

I can define new custom types representing the two result sets, and make those output parameters instead of having the multiple select statements, but I'm wondering if there's a better way - some way of pulling both results into temporary tables, or looping through the results, or something.


Actually, after looking more closely, even output table parameters won't solve this - they're readonly, and that's still true in SQL 2012. (Connect ticket asking for this to be added)

like image 973
Joe Enos Avatar asked Nov 19 '13 21:11

Joe Enos

People also ask

Can stored procedure return multiple result sets?

Most stored procedures return multiple result sets. Such a stored procedure usually includes one or more select statements. The consumer needs to consider this inclusion to handle all the result sets.

What can be used to return multiple result sets?

In order to get multiple result sets working we need to drop to the ObjectContext API by using the IObjectContextAdapter interface. Once we have an ObjectContext then we can use the Translate method to translate the results of our stored procedure into entities that can be tracked and used in EF as normal.

How can I return multiple values from a stored procedure?

In order to fetch the multiple returned values from the Stored Procedure, you need to make use of a variable with data type and size same as the Output parameter and pass it as Output parameter using OUTPUT keyword. You can also make use of the Split function to split the comma separated (delimited) values into rows.

1 Answers

String myConnString  = "User ID="username";password="password";Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=Server"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnString); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataReader myReader ;  myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; myCommand.Connection = myConnection; myCommand.CommandText = "MyProc";  try {     myConnection.Open();     myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();      while (myReader.Read())     {         //Write logic to process data for the first result.            }      myReader.NextResult();     while (myReader.Read())     {         //Write logic to process data for the second result.     } } 
like image 174
Mahesh Gaikwad Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Mahesh Gaikwad