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Find manually registered (obfuscated) native function address

I'm trying to understand an Android app which contains a native method named foo in class com.app.Bar

Inside class Bar there is a static clause that loads a shared object System.loadLibrary("libfoo.so") which I assume is build with -fvisibility=hidden because the only export is JNI_OnLoad, no JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_app_Bar_foo which means public native int foo does not follow the naming convention.

  1. What is the process when foo is invoked ?
  2. How can I extract the address of foo ? I'm familiar with Frida
  3. Is there a way to output all JNINativeMethod[] methods ?

What have I tried so far ?

  1. JNIAnalyzer outputs 13K lines that look like JNI_OnLoad@@Base+0x712e

  2. Frida script to try to find foo address (did not work)

function intercept(address) {
    try {
        Interceptor.attach(address, {
            onEnter: function(args) {
                console.log("onEnter", address);
            onLeave: function(ignored) {}
    } catch (e) {
function Main() {
    var dlopen = new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName(null, 'dlopen'), 'pointer', ['pointer', 'int']);
    var dlsym = new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName(null, 'dlsym'), 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer']);
    Process.enumerateModulesSync().forEach(function(m) {
        if (m.name === "libfoo.so") {
            console.log("Module", JSON.stringify(m));
            var handle = dlopen(Memory.allocUtf8String(m.path), 1);
            var symb = Memory.allocUtf8String("foo");
            var exports = Module.enumerateExportsSync(m.name);
                handle: handle,
                symb: symb,
                dlsym: dlsym(handle, symb),
                exports: exports.map(function(ex){ return ex.address + ": " + ex.name })
            }, null, 2));
            // intercept all exports
            // explicit intercept foo by known offset
            intercept(m.base.add(0x22334)); // this outputs "Error: unable to intercept function at 0x86c96328; please file a bug"

    console.log("invoke", Java.use('com.clazz.foo').signToken("A".repeat(32)));
like image 540
whoopdedoo Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 17:08


2 Answers

which I assume is build with -fvisibility=hidden because the only export is JNI_OnLoad, no JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_app_Bar_foo which means public native int foo does not follow the naming convention.

This is not always true, because you can also use RegisterNatives inside JNI_OnLoad to declare your JNI methods not following the typical naming convention.

 * Register several native methods for one class.
static int registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv* env, const char* className,
                                 JNINativeMethod* gMethods, int numMethods)
    jclass clazz;
    clazz = env->FindClass(className);
    if (clazz == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Native registration unable to find class '%s'", className);
        return JNI_FALSE;
    if (env->RegisterNatives(clazz, gMethods, numMethods) < 0) {
        ALOGE("RegisterNatives failed for '%s'", className);
        return JNI_FALSE;
    return JNI_TRUE;

What is the process when foo is invoked ?

Maybe you can take a look at this article https://arophix.com/2017/12/17/andoid-jni-summary/

How can I extract the address of foo ? ( I'm familiar with Frida )

I am not sure about Frida, For Cydia Substrate, you can use dlsym to find the address of specified symbol of .so, e.g.

void* find_symbol(const char* libraryname, const char* symbolname)
    void *imagehandle = dlopen(libraryname, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);
    if (imagehandle != NULL) {
        void * sym = dlsym(imagehandle, symbolname);
        if (sym != NULL) {
            LOGE("symbol (%s) is found at address %p (%p) in lib %s", symbolname, sym, &sym, libraryname);
            return sym;
        } else {
            LOGE("find_symbol() can't find symblo (%s).", symbolname);
            return NULL;
    } else {
        LOGE("dlopen error: %s, when opening lib %s",dlerror(), libraryname);
        return NULL;

Here is the full tutorial for using Cydia Substrate https://arophix.com/2017/11/30/android-substrate-hooking/ ,


Edit #1

For Frida, maybe it is similar. Here is a reference link which may help with your case. https://www.notsosecure.com/instrumenting-native-android-functions-using-frida/

Edit #2

For a complete Github tutorial project about Frida based hooking, please refer to Using Apktool and Frida to do reverse engineering on Android Apk..

like image 72
shizhen Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 17:11


I've solved it using Frida

Hooking art::JNI::RegisterNativeMethods(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, JNINativeMethod const*, int, bool) and art::JNI::FindClass after libart.so module is loaded.


var RevealNativeMethods = function() {
  var pSize = Process.pointerSize;
  var env = Java.vm.getEnv();
  var RegisterNatives = 215, FindClassIndex = 6; // search "215" @ https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/functions.html
  var jclassAddress2NameMap = {};
  function getNativeAddress(idx) {
    return env.handle.readPointer().add(idx * pSize).readPointer();
  // intercepting FindClass to populate Map<address, jclass>
  Interceptor.attach(getNativeAddress(FindClassIndex), {
    onEnter: function(args) {
      jclassAddress2NameMap[args[0]] = args[1].readCString();
  // RegisterNative(jClass*, .., JNINativeMethod *methods[nMethods], uint nMethods) // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libnativehelper/+/master/include_jni/jni.h#977
  Interceptor.attach(getNativeAddress(RegisterNatives), {
    onEnter: function(args) {
      for (var i = 0, nMethods = parseInt(args[3]); i < nMethods; i++) {
          typedef struct {
             const char* name;
             const char* signature;
             void* fnPtr;
          } JNINativeMethod;
        var structSize = pSize * 3; // = sizeof(JNINativeMethod)
        var methodsPtr = ptr(args[2]);
        var signature = methodsPtr.add(i * structSize + pSize).readPointer();
        var fnPtr = methodsPtr.add(i * structSize + (pSize * 2)).readPointer(); // void* fnPtr
        var jClass = jclassAddress2NameMap[args[0]].split('/');
        console.log('\x1b[3' + '6;01' + 'm', JSON.stringify({
          module: DebugSymbol.fromAddress(fnPtr)['moduleName'], // https://www.frida.re/docs/javascript-api/#debugsymbol
          package: jClass.slice(0, -1).join('.'),
          class: jClass[jClass.length - 1],
          method: methodsPtr.readPointer().readCString(), // char* name
          signature: signature.readCString(), // char* signature TODO Java bytecode signature parser { Z: 'boolean', B: 'byte', C: 'char', S: 'short', I: 'int', J: 'long', F: 'float', D: 'double', L: 'fully-qualified-class;', '[': 'array' } https://github.com/skylot/jadx/blob/master/jadx-core/src/main/java/jadx/core/dex/nodes/parser/SignatureParser.java
          address: fnPtr
        }), '\x1b[39;49;00m');

like image 45
whoopdedoo Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 15:11
