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Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

Straightforward way? No, but I've used the reverse. Literally.

In prior routines, to find the last occurence of a given string, I used the REVERSE() function, followed CHARINDEX, followed again by REVERSE to restore the original order. For instance:

  ,reverse(left(reverse(physical_name), charindex('\', reverse(physical_name)) -1))
 from sys.master_files mf

shows how to extract the actual database file names from from their "physical names", no matter how deeply nested in subfolders. This does search for only one character (the backslash), but you can build on this for longer search strings.

The only downside is, I don't know how well this will work on TEXT data types. I've been on SQL 2005 for a few years now, and am no longer conversant with working with TEXT -- but I seem to recall you could use LEFT and RIGHT on it?


The simplest way is....


If you are using Sqlserver 2005 or above, using REVERSE function many times is detrimental to performance, below code is more efficient.

DECLARE @FilePath VARCHAR(50) = 'My\Super\Long\String\With\Long\Words'
DECLARE @FindChar VARCHAR(1) = '\'

-- text before last slash
SELECT LEFT(@FilePath, LEN(@FilePath) - CHARINDEX(@FindChar,REVERSE(@FilePath))) AS Before
-- text after last slash
SELECT RIGHT(@FilePath, CHARINDEX(@FindChar,REVERSE(@FilePath))-1) AS After
-- the position of the last slash
SELECT LEN(@FilePath) - CHARINDEX(@FindChar,REVERSE(@FilePath)) + 1 AS LastOccuredAt

You are limited to small list of functions for text data type.

All I can suggest is start with PATINDEX, but work backwards from DATALENGTH-1, DATALENGTH-2, DATALENGTH-3 etc until you get a result or end up at zero (DATALENGTH-DATALENGTH)

This really is something that SQL Server 2000 simply can't handle.

Edit for other answers : REVERSE is not on the list of functions that can be used with text data in SQL Server 2000

DECLARE @FilePath VARCHAR(50) = 'My\Super\Long\String\With\Long\Words'
DECLARE @FindChar VARCHAR(1) = '\'

SELECT LEN(@FilePath) - CHARINDEX(@FindChar,REVERSE(@FilePath)) AS LastOccuredAt