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Find if a map contains multiple keys

I'm new to Clojure and I was wondering if there was a way to test if a map has multiple keys. I've noticed that contains? only checks for one key

What i'm trying to do:

(def mario 
    {:position {:x 1 :y 2}
     :velocity {:x 2 :y 0}
     :mass 20})

;;Test if mario has a position and a velocity
(contains-many? mario :position :velocity) ;;true

;;Test if mario has a mass and a jump-height
(contains-many? mario :mass :jump-height) ;;false

basically, is there a function like contains-many? in the clojure library and if not how would you implement the contains-many? function?

like image 648
TheSeamau5 Avatar asked Jan 13 '15 02:01


3 Answers

The correct answer was shown, but I would like to point out another elegant solution which assums knowledge about the map values. When you know for sure they are truthy (that is: not nil and not false):

(every? m ks)

This is due to the fact that maps are (unary) functions which return the corresponding value to the argument. But note that ({:x nil} :x) => nil.

like image 120
ath Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


I don't know any function that does that. It is also necessary to define whether you want the map to contain every key or just some keys. I chose the every case, if you wanted the some version, just replace every? with some?.

My direct, not optimized, version is:

(defn contains-many? [m & ks]
  (every? #(contains? m %) ks))

Which has been tested with:

(deftest a-test
  (testing "Basic test cases"
    (let [m {:a 1 :b 1 :c 2}]
      (is (contains-many? m :a))
      (is (contains-many? m :a :b))
      (is (contains-many? m :a :b :c))
      (is (not (contains-many? m :a :d)))
      (is (not (contains-many? m :a :b :d))))))

Edit: Simplified using noisesmith's suggestion

like image 10
sbensu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


You could leverage clojure.set/subset?

  #{:position :velocity}
  (set (keys mario)))
like image 3
user1338062 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
