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find first level children in nokogiri rails




I've faced with a problem how to find first level children from the current element ? For example i have html :


I am using Nokogiri for rails :

table = page.css('table')

It returns all tr inside table. But I need only 2 that first level for the table.

like image 298
Dzmitry Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 18:10


2 Answers

When you say this:

table = page.css('table')

you're grabbing both tables rather than just the top level table. So you can either go back to the document root and use a selector that only matches the rows in the first table as mosch says or you can fix table to be only the outer table with something like this:

table = page.css('table').first
trs   = table.xpath('./tr')

or even this (depending on the HTML's real structure):

table = page.xpath('/html/body/table')
trs   = table.xpath('./tr')

or perhaps one of these for table (thanks Phrogz, again):

table = page.at('table')
table = page.at_css('table')
# or various other CSS and XPath incantations
like image 82
mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09

mu is too short

You can do

rows = page.css('body > table > tr')

Perhaps you have to adapt the selector to your container element (i chose 'body' here)

like image 40
moritz Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09
