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find directory where my extended class is with php



lets say we have a dir

script.php is a class that is extending a controller class from index.php,


is there a way to return the folder helloworld from index.php ( controller ) ?



class Helloworld extends Controller
    function __construct()
        echo 'helloworld';  


class Controller
    function wherethescript(){
        # trying to find folder where helloworld.php is in from this class

include_once 'application/helloworld/helloworld.php';
$x=new Helloworld;
like image 948
Adam Ramadhan Avatar asked Jul 30 '11 08:07

Adam Ramadhan

1 Answers

If you have any path, basename will get you the last part of it. dirname chops off the last part. The __FILE__ constant contains the path of the current file. So something like basename(dirname(__FILE__)) in script.php should do.

That can be shortened to basename(__DIR__) in PHP 5.3 and up.

If you want to do this from index.php and not script.php, you can reflect on the object to get where it was defined:

$helloReflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
echo $helloReflection->getFilename();
like image 73
deceze Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
