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Find common prefix of strings

I am having 4 strings:


I want to find the common prefix for those strings, i.e. "h:/a". How to find that?

Usually I'd split the string with delimiter '/' and put it in another list, and so on.
Is there any better way to do it?

like image 632
user251334 Avatar asked Jan 15 '10 08:01


People also ask

How do you find the longest common prefix between two strings?

The longest common prefix for a pair of strings S1 and S2 is the longest string which is the prefix of both S1 and S2. All given inputs are in lowercase letters a-z. If there is no common prefix, return "-1" .

How do you find the common prefix in C++?

However, for C++ it would also generally be better to use the std::string type. You can use std::getline(std::cin, my_std_string) to read lines, and prefix = my_std_string. substr(0, i) would be a way to copy part of a string.

What is prefix and suffix in string?

Prefixes and suffixes are special cases of substrings. A prefix of a string is a substring of that occurs at the beginning of ; likewise, a suffix of a string is a substring that occurs at the end of .

5 Answers

string[] xs = new[] { "h:/a/b/c", "h:/a/b/d", "h:/a/b/e", "h:/a/c" };

string x = string.Join("/", xs.Select(s => s.Split('/').AsEnumerable())
                              .TakeWhile(s => s.All(d => d == s.First()))
                              .Select(s => s.First()));


public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Transpose<T>(
    this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> source)
    var enumerators = source.Select(e => e.GetEnumerator()).ToArray();
        while (enumerators.All(e => e.MoveNext()))
            yield return enumerators.Select(e => e.Current).ToArray();
        Array.ForEach(enumerators, e => e.Dispose());
like image 198
dtb Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


A short LINQy solution of mine.

var samples = new[] { "h:/a/b/c", "h:/a/b/d", "h:/a/b/e", "h:/a/e" };

var commonPrefix = new string(
    samples.First().Substring(0, samples.Min(s => s.Length))
    .TakeWhile((c, i) => samples.All(s => s[i] == c)).ToArray());
like image 45
Yegor Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10


Just loop round the characters of the shortest string and compare each character to the character in the same position in the other strings. Whilst they all match keep going. As soon as one doesn't match then the string up to the current position -1 is the answer.

Something like (pseudo code)

int count=0;
foreach(char c in shortestString)
    foreach(string s in otherStrings)
        if (s[count]!=c)
             return shortestString.SubString(0,count-1); //need to check count is not 0 
 return shortestString;
like image 25
Sam Holder Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

Sam Holder

Working code based on Sam Holder's solution (note it gives h:/a/ not h:/a as the longest common initial substring in the question):

using System;

namespace CommonPrefix
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new[] { "h:/a/b/c", "h:/a/b/d", "h:/a/b/e", "h:/a/c" })); // "h:/a/"
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new[] { "abc", "abc" })); // "abc"
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new[] { "abc" })); // "abc"
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new string[] { })); // ""
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new[] { "a", "abc" })); // "a"
            Console.WriteLine(CommonPrefix(new[] { "abc", "a" })); // "a"


        private static string CommonPrefix(string[] ss)
            if (ss.Length == 0)
                return "";

            if (ss.Length == 1)
                return ss[0];

            int prefixLength = 0;

            foreach (char c in ss[0])
                foreach (string s in ss)
                    if (s.Length <= prefixLength || s[prefixLength] != c)
                        return ss[0].Substring(0, prefixLength);

            return ss[0]; // all strings identical up to length of ss[0]
like image 7
Simon D Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Simon D

This is the longest common substring problem (although it's a slightly specialized case since you appear to only care about the prefix). There's no library implementation of the algorithm in the .NET platform that you can call directly, but the article linked here is chock-full of steps on how you'd do it yourself.

like image 5
John Feminella Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

John Feminella