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Find all images in folder with Javascript

Sorry If this is trivial,

Edit: in short I found out this really isn't intended to be done with client-side JavaScript.

I am wondering if i know a folder has pictures. /home/project1/pictures and they follow some naming convention face102039.jpg face1030303.jpg ...

Is there a was to know every picture thats in there starting with face but not knowing what numbers are after it? Like is there a way i could possibly grab all the file names with a .jpg or .png extension and then i would know how to parse their strings. I am just not sure how to get all the files in a directory with javascript.

I saw this similar post, and I know how to do what I want in Java, but i couldnt find a way to do this in javascript. I was thinking about doing it server side with java or ruby but I am pretty sure i should be able to do this clientside via javascript. Maybe I am wrong though.

like image 863
Frank Visaggio Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 20:02

Frank Visaggio

1 Answers

Given the constraints it is technically possible to do this, just not very practical. I would not recommend using this since you could lock up the user's browser pretty quickly.

var len = 2000000;//How long you want to wait.
var pics=[];
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
  a=new Image();

The real answer is you need to implement a back end in PHP, RoR, etc. To send you a list of the files in the picture folder. This can be done with AJAX.

like image 64
qw3n Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 20:02
