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Find a gap between time stamp




I have many many rows in the table. The table has a Date column (which includes date and time)

I want to be able to loop through the table and find any gap between the two rows where the difference between the row is 5 min.

For example:

ID Date
1 2014-07-29 13:00:00
2 2014-07-29 13:01:00
3 2014-07-29 13:07:00

So as you can see the time difference between the first row and second row is 1 min so I ignore, then I should be checking the time between the second row and third row. Since the time difference is 6 min I want to spit out an exception with the dates that were compared.

The table could contain many rows, so I would go and check the next record to the previous one and so one...

How could I achieve this in SQL Server. I can do a datediff, but I will have a lot of rows and I don't want to perform this manually.

Any suggestions?

NOTE* I don't need to worry about the cross over of hours from one day to another, since this task is only going to be used for a single day. I will specify on SQL statement where date = getdate()

like image 542
smr5 Avatar asked Jul 30 '14 02:07


2 Answers

One way to do it

WITH ordered AS
    FROM table1 
SELECT o1.id id1, o1.date date1, o2.id id2, o2.date date2, DATEDIFF(s, o1.date, o2.date) diff
  FROM ordered o1 JOIN ordered o2
    ON o1.rn + 1 = o2.rn 
 WHERE DATEDIFF(s, o1.date, o2.date) > 60


| ID1 |                       DATE1 | ID2 |                       DATE2 | DIFF |
|   2 | July, 29 2014 13:01:00+0000 |   3 | July, 29 2014 13:07:00+0000 |  360 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

like image 124
peterm Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10


Since you are on SQL Server 2012, you can make use of the LEAD and LAG functions, like so:

;with cte as
(select id, 
 datediff(minute,[date],lead([date],1,0) over (order by [date])) difference,
 row_number() over (order by [date]) rn
from tbl)

select * from cte
where rn <> 1 --Skip first row ordered by the date
and difference > 5

This will return all rows which have a difference of more than 5 minutes with the next row. The assumption is that the rows are sorted in ascending order of date.


like image 4
shree.pat18 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10
