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add a temporary column in SQL, where the values depend from another column

I have this table:

ID | name | result | 
 1 |  A   |   1    |
 2 |  B   |   2    |
 3 |  C   |   1    |
 1 |  A   |   2    |
 4 |  E   |   2    |

I want to add a new temporary column next to |result|, and where result=1 the value should be 100, and where result=2 the value should be 80 so it should look like this:

ID | name | result | NewColumn|
 1 |  A   |   1    |  100     |
 2 |  B   |   2    |   80     |
 3 |  C   |   1    |  100     |
 1 |  A   |   2    |  80      |
 4 |  E   |   2    |  80      |

How can I query this in SQL ?

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user3287124 Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 15:02


People also ask

Can we add a column at specific position in SQL?

To add a column at a specific position within a table row, use FIRST or AFTER col_name . The default is to add the column last. You can also use FIRST and AFTER in CHANGE or MODIFY operations to reorder columns within a table.

2 Answers

Use a CASE expression in your SELECT's column list - something like this:

        WHEN result = 1 THEN 100
        WHEN result = 2 THEN 80
        ELSE NULL
    END AS NewColumn
FROM YourTable

Add additional WHEN expressions or alter the ELSE expression as needed.

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J0e3gan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


You could add a case statement to your query:

SELECT id, name, result, CASE result WHEN 1 THEN 100 WHEN 2 THEN 80 ELSE NULL END
from   my_table
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Mureinik Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
