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Filtering a Stored Procedure's Result Set

I've got a stored procedure that returns a single result set. I would like to be able to call it and filter the resulting rows, something like:

SELECT * FROM (CALL sproc()) AS sp WHERE sp.someField = 0;

Is there a way to do this?

like image 690
Ozzyberto Avatar asked Jun 04 '13 16:06


People also ask

Why you should not use stored procedures?

Stored procedures are difficult to unit test. With an ORM, you can mock your database code so as to be able to test your business logic quickly. With stored procedures, you have to rebuild an entire test database from scratch. Stored procedures offer no performance advantage whatsoever.

How do you handle errors in stored procedures?

To trap non-fatal errors in a called stored procedure, the called procedure must have some way to communicate back to the calling procedure that an error has occurred. To do this, pass a value back via the RETURN statement, or use an OUTPUT parameter.

1 Answers

There are a couple of ways to solve this. The easiest would be modifying the stored procedure to allow you to filter the result set directly but I'm assuming for some reason you are unable to do this.

What you'll need to do then is store the results of the stored procedure in a table / temp table like so:

DECLARE @tablevar table(col1,..
INSERT INTO @tablevar(col1,..) exec MyStoredProc 'param1', 'param2'

SELECT col1, col2 FROM @tablevar WHERE col1 = 'abc'

EDIT: If you can edit the subquery:

Old Stored Proc: ... SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Col1 = @param1 AND Col2 = @param2

New Stored Proc:

      Col1 = @param1 AND
      Col2 = @param2
   ) a
   Col3 = FilterRule1

but maybe I'm not understanding your stored proc here completely. A temp table here isn't really the most performant solution and can be somewhat of a hassle but if it works for you then go with it, but I'm having trouble envisioning a situation where you couldn't just modify your stored proc to use a sub-query instead of a temp table.

like image 124
Ben English Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 00:11

Ben English