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Filter each column of a data.frame based on a specific value




Consider the following data frame:

df <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(1:10,10,rep=TRUE)))

#   X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
#1   7  9  8  4 10
#2   2  4  9  4  9
#3   2  7  8  8  6
#4   8  9  6  6  4
#5   5  2  1  4  6
#6   8  2  2  1  7
#7   3  8  6  1  6
#8   3  8  5  9  8
#9   6  2  3 10  7
#10  2  7  4  2  9

Using dplyr, how can I filter, on each column (without implicitly naming them), for all values greater than 2.

Something that would mimic an hypothetical filter_each(funs(. >= 2))

Right now I'm doing:

df %>% filter(X1 >= 2, X2 >= 2, X3 >= 2, X4 >= 2, X5 >= 2)

Which is equivalent to:

df %>% filter(!rowSums(. < 2))

Note: Let's say I wanted to filter only on the first 4 columns, I would do:

df %>% filter(X1 >= 2, X2 >= 2, X3 >= 2, X4 >= 2) 


df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[-5] < 2))

Would there be a more efficient alternative ?

Edit: sub question

How to specify a column name and mimic an hypothethical filter_each(funs(. >= 2), -X5) ?

Benchmark sub question

Since I have to run this on a large dataset, I benchmarked the suggestions.

df <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(1:10,10e6,rep=TRUE)))

mbm <- microbenchmark(
Marat = df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[,!colnames(.) %in% "X5", drop = FALSE] < 2)),
Richard = filter_(df, .dots = lapply(names(df)[names(df) != "X5"], function(x, y) { call(">=", as.name(x), y) }, 2)),
Docendo = df %>% slice(which(!rowSums(select(., -matches("X5")) < 2L))),
times = 50

Here are the results:

#Unit: milliseconds
#    expr       min        lq      mean    median       uq      max neval
#   Marat 1209.1235 1320.3233 1358.7994 1362.0590 1390.342 1448.458    50
# Richard 1151.7691 1196.3060 1222.9900 1216.3936 1256.191 1266.669    50
# Docendo  874.0247  933.1399  983.5435  985.3697 1026.901 1053.407    50

enter image description here

like image 576
Steven Beaupré Avatar asked Jan 28 '15 02:01

Steven Beaupré

People also ask

How do you filter a DataFrame based on values of a column?

Using query() to Filter by Column Value in pandas DataFrame. query() function is used to filter rows based on column value in pandas. After applying the expression, it returns a new DataFrame. If you wanted to update the existing DataFrame use inplace=True param.

How do you filter a DataFrame in Python based on condition?

You can use df[df["Courses"] == 'Spark'] to filter rows by a condition in pandas DataFrame. Not that this expression returns a new DataFrame with selected rows.

How do you filter a DataFrame based on multiple column values in Python?

Use the syntax new_DataFrame = DataFrame[(DataFrame[column]==criteria1) operator (DataFrame[column2]==criteria2)] , where operator is & or | , to filter a pandas. DataFrame by multiple columns.

3 Answers

Here's an idea that makes it fairly simple to choose the names. You can set up a list of calls to send to the .dots argument of filter_(). First a function that creates an unevaluated call.

Call <- function(x, value, fun = ">=") call(fun, as.name(x), value)

Now we use filter_(), passing a list of calls into the .dots argument using lapply(), choosing any name and value you want.

nm <- names(df) != "X5"
filter_(df, .dots = lapply(names(df)[nm], Call, 2L))
#   X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
# 1  6  5  7  3  1
# 2  8 10  3  6  5
# 3  5  7 10  2  5
# 4  3  4  2  9  9
# 5  8  3  5  6  2
# 6  9  3  4 10  9
# 7  2  9  7  9  8

You can have a look at the unevaluated calls created by Call(), for example X4 and X5, with

lapply(names(df)[4:5], Call, 2L)
# [[1]]
# X4 >= 2L
# [[2]]
# X5 >= 2L

So if you adjust the names() in the X argument of lapply(), you should be fine.

like image 128
Rich Scriven Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Rich Scriven

How to specify a column name and mimic an hypothethical filter_each(funs(. >= 2), -X5) ?

It might be not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done:

df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[,!colnames(.)%in%'X5',drop=F] < 2))

In case of several excluded columns (e.g. X3,X5), one can use:

df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[,!colnames(.)%in%c('X3','X5'),drop=F] < 2))
like image 36
Marat Talipov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Marat Talipov

Here's another option with slice which can be used similarly to filter in this case. Main difference is that you supply an integer vector to slice whereas filter takes a logical vector.

df %>% slice(which(!rowSums(select(., -matches("X5")) < 2L)))

What I like about this approach is that because we use select inside rowSums you can make use of all the special functions that select supplies, like matches for example.

Let's see how it compares to the other answers:

df <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(1:10,10e6,rep=TRUE)))

mbm <- microbenchmark(
    Marat = df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[,!colnames(.) %in% "X5", drop = FALSE] < 2)),
    Richard = filter_(df, .dots = lapply(names(df)[names(df) != "X5"], function(x, y) { call(">=", as.name(x), y) }, 2)),
    dd_slice = df %>% slice(which(!rowSums(select(., -matches("X5")) < 2L))),
    times = 50L,
    unit = "relative"

#Unit: relative
#     expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
#    Marat 1.304216 1.290695 1.290127 1.288473 1.290609    50
#  Richard 1.139796 1.146942 1.124295 1.159715 1.160689    50
# dd_slice 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000    50


Edit note: updated with more reliable benchmark with 50 repetitions (times = 50L).

Following a comment that base R would have the same speed as the slice approach (without specification of what base R approach is meant exactly), I decided to update my answer with a comparison to base R using almost the same approach as in my answer. For base R I used:

base = df[!rowSums(df[-5L] < 2L), ],
base_which = df[which(!rowSums(df[-5L] < 2L)), ]


df <- data.frame(replicate(5,sample(1:10,10e6,rep=TRUE)))

mbm <- microbenchmark(
  Marat = df %>% filter(!rowSums(.[,!colnames(.) %in% "X5", drop = FALSE] < 2)),
  Richard = filter_(df, .dots = lapply(names(df)[names(df) != "X5"], function(x, y) { call(">=", as.name(x), y) }, 2)),
  dd_slice = df %>% slice(which(!rowSums(select(., -matches("X5")) < 2L))),
  base = df[!rowSums(df[-5L] < 2L), ],
  base_which = df[which(!rowSums(df[-5L] < 2L)), ],
  times = 50L,
  unit = "relative"

#Unit: relative
#       expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
#      Marat 1.265692 1.279057 1.298513 1.279167 1.203794    50
#    Richard 1.124045 1.160075 1.163240 1.169573 1.076267    50
#   dd_slice 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000    50
#       base 2.784058 2.769062 2.710305 2.669699 2.576825    50
# base_which 1.458339 1.477679 1.451617 1.419686 1.412090    50


Not really any better or comparable performance with these two base R approaches.

Edit note #2: added benchmark with base R options.

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talat Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
