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filter array and return specific property

I have following projection:

  $match: {
    "satisfaction_rating.id": {"$exists": true}
  $project: {
    "ticketId": "$id",
    "employee": "$assignee.name",
    "subject": "$subject",
    "memberId": {
      "$filter": {
         "input": "$custom_fields",
         "as": "field",
         "cond": {"$eq": ["$$field.id", 24685851]}
    "requester": "$requester.name",
    "created": "$created_at",
    "solved": "$metric_set.solved_at",
    "resolutionTimeInHours": {"$trunc": {"$divide": ["$metric_set.full_resolution_time_in_minutes.business", 60]}},
    "score": "$satisfaction_rating.score",
    "comment": "$satisfaction_rating.comment"
  $out: "satisfaction"

$filter returns an array. What I want to do is to pick up the first element and get a property which should then be bound to memberId instead of an array with one element.

I was looking around for a while but didn´t find a suitable solution. Can anyone give me a hint?

like image 757
jens_h Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 06:12


1 Answers

@user3100115 led me into the right direction.

Here my final solution:

"memberId": {
  "$let": {
      "vars": {
             "memberId": {
                "$arrayElemAt": [
                {"$filter": {
                        "input": "$custom_fields",
                        "as": "field",
                        "cond": {"$eq": ["$$field.id", 24685851]}
        "in": "$$memberId.value"
like image 132
jens_h Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 03:01
