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Fill in the latest used file in the current directory



I am looking for a way to quickly access the latest file/directory on the command line, preferably in ZSH.

ls -d *(om[1])

Gives me just that, and if I want to use to with a command, e.g. less *(om[1])

This works as well.

However, it is tedious to type all the brackets, and I use this a lot - hence I am looking for a way to create a shortcut for this string.

I've created a function in the .zshrc-file

ls -d *(om[1])

, which I can use like this:

less <$(lf)
less <`lf`

, but I find this still less than ideal.

less |lf

does not work.

Is there a way to quickly access the latest file without the use of "hard to type characters"? Ideally, it would just be something along the lines of


Any ideas?

like image 958
Gerhard Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 15:02


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1 Answers

You could use the _most_recent_file (^Xm).

_most_recent_file (^Xm)

Complete the name of the most recently modified file matching the pattern on the command line (which may be blank). If given a numeric argument N, complete the Nth most recently modified file. Note the completion, if any, is always unique.

-- zshcompsys(1) BINDABLE COMMANDS

So, we can get the most recent file with typing CTRL-x-m. For example:

% less ;# typing `CTRL-X m` here, we could get:
% less newest-file-or-directory

And we could specify some patterns here, so for example:

% less *.log ;# when I want the newest *.log:
% less newest.log

It is necessary to have some autoload -Uz compinit; compinit in the ~/.zshrc though.

like image 198
hchbaw Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
