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File Version Vs. Product Version




In the Delphi Project Properties dialog, there are settings for the "Product Version" and the "File Version". Can anyone explain the philosophical differences between the two?

like image 998
Ken Lange Avatar asked Dec 21 '09 21:12

Ken Lange

People also ask

What is the difference between file version and product version?

"Product Version" is the fully expanded Product version number which is set in the project. "File Version" will compress the Product Version removing the zeros that precede the value for a specific field and adding a zero for fields that have not been set, and then displays the compressed four field product version.

What is the difference between assembly version and file version?

AssemblyVersion: Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed. AssemblyFileVersion: Instructs a compiler to use a specific version number for the Win32 file version resource.

What is assembly file version?

It's the version number given to file as in file system. It's displayed by Windows Explorer, and never used by . NET framework or runtime for referencing.

2 Answers

The Product Version will be the version number of your whole application.

The File Version will be the version number of this component.

The two are usually in sync, but don't have to be. It would depend upon how modular your application was.

So for example you might have an application that's at version (say), but one file reader component that's at version as it was inherited from a different application and another at version as it's a more recent addition.

Additionally, some components might not change between releases so theoretically they should remain at their original file version.

However, as this might well cause confusion (not least with the developer) about which file goes with which version of the product these numbers are often kept in sync.

like image 143
ChrisF Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 17:11


Not all the files are to be changed when the product version changes. E.g. you've written a dll implementing the core functionality that remains unchanged during following product version changes.

like image 30
Li0liQ Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 18:11
