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File not found in task defined in COMPSs

I have implemented an application with COMP Superscalar and I got task failed. Looking at the standard error file (job1_NEW.err) file I got a File Not Found exception but the file exists in my computer.

Any idea what could be the error?

EDIT: Added the resources and the project files


          <Resource Name="">

                    <Adaptor name="integratedtoolkit.gat.master.GATAdaptor">


 <Worker Name="">

Method declaration in the Interface file

@Method(declaringClass = "matmul.files.MatmulImpl")
        void multiplyAccumulative(
                @Parameter(direction = Direction.INOUT) String file1,
                @Parameter() String file2,
                @Parameter() String file3,
                @Parameter() int bsize
like image 627
Jorge Ejarque Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 08:10

Jorge Ejarque

1 Answers

If your parameter is indeed a file you need to specify its type (i.e. type=Type.FILE). Otherwise the COMPSs runtime is not able to differentiate between a string variable and a file (because the file is actually a string with its path). Your interface should look like this:

@Method(declaringClass = "matmul.files.MatmulImpl")
void multiplyAccumulative(
    @Parameter(direction = Direction.INOUT, type = Type.FILE) String file1,
    @Parameter() String file2,
    @Parameter() String file3,
    @Parameter() int bsize
like image 96
Pol Alvarez Vecino Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Pol Alvarez Vecino