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fft understanding [closed]

Can somebody give a good explanation of FFT image transform How the FFT transformed image and it's Re^2+Im^2 image can be analyzed? I just want to understand something when looking to the image and it's frequency.

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maximus Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 09:03


People also ask

What does an FFT tell you?

The output of the FFT is a complex vector containing information about the frequency content of the signal. The magnitude tells you the strength of the frequency components relative to other components. The phase tells you how all the frequency components align in time.

What are the two types of FFT?

These are called the radix-2 and mixed-radix cases, respectively (and other variants such as the split-radix FFT have their own names as well).

What is FFT overlapping?

Overlapping many Time-to-Frequency transforms. Early Real time Spectrum Analyzers (RSA) processed the data from the A/D converter mostly in a straight sequential manner. The first 1024 bytes went into the first FFT (first frame), the second 1024 bytes into the second FFT (second frame), etc.

2 Answers

EDIT: There is a great introduction to the concepts here.

There's a fair bit of math behind that question. In simple terms, consider a 1-D function, such as an audio clip. The fourier transform identifies the frequencies present in that signal. Each sample in the original audio clip correlates to the amplitude of the sound wave at any given point in time. In contrast, each sample in the fourier transform identifies the amplitude of a particular frequency of oscillation. For example, a pure sine wave at 1 kHz will have a fourier transform with a single spike at the 1 kHz mark. Audio waves are combinations of many different sine waves, and the fourier transform isolates which sine waves are contributing and by how much. (Note that the real explanation requires delving into complex numbers, but the foregoing gives the essence of what's going on).

The fourier transform of an image is a simple extension of the 1-D fourier transform into two dimensions, and is achieved by simply applying the 1-D transform to each row of an image, and then transforming each column of the resulting image. It produces essentially the same thing. A picture of smooth water waves travelling in a diagonal direction will transform to a series of spikes along that same diagonal.

The fourier transform is defined over continuous functions. The FFT is an technique for efficiently evaluating the fourier transform over discrete sets of data.

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Marcelo Cantos Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Marcelo Cantos

Steve Eddins of Mathworks has been discussing Fourier Transforms in general on his blog for a while now - you should check it out here.

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Jacob Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09
