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Feature Columns Embedding lookup

I have been working with the datasets and feature_columns in tensorflow(https://developers.googleblog.com/2017/11/introducing-tensorflow-feature-columns.html). I see they have categorical features and a way to create embedding features from categorical features. But when working on nlp tasks, how do we create a single embedding lookup?

For eg: Consider text classification task. Every data point would have a lot of textual columns but they would not be separate categories. How do we create and use a single embedding lookup for all these columns?

Below is an example of how I am currently using the embedding features. I am building a categorical feature for each column and using that for creating embedding. The problem would be that the embeddings for same word could be different for different columns.

def create_embedding_features(key, vocab_list=None, embedding_size=20):
    cat_feature = \
            vocabulary_list = vocab_list
    embedding_feature = tf.feature_column.embedding_column(
            categorical_column = cat_feature,
            dimension = embedding_size
    return embedding_feature

le_features_embd = [create_embedding_features(f, vocab_list=vocab_list)
                     for f in feature_keys]
like image 533
Krishnaa Avatar asked Nov 28 '17 03:11


1 Answers

I think you have some misunderstanding. For text classification task, if your input is a piece of text (a sentence), you should treat the entire sentence as a single feature column. Thus every data point has only a single textual column NOT a lot of columns. The value in this column is usually a combined embedding of all the tokens. That's the way we convert a var-length sparse feature (unknown number of text tokens) into one dense feature (e.g., a fixed 256 dimensional float vector).

Let's start with a _CategoricalColumn.

cat_column_with_vocab = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(

Note if your vocabulary is huge, your should use categorical_column_with_vocabulary_file.

We create an embedding column by using an initializer to read from a checkpoint (if we have pre-trained embedding) or randomize.

embedding_initializer = None
if has_pretrained_embedding:     
  embedding_initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-1.0, 1.0)
embed_column = embedding_column(
    dimension=256,   ## this is your pre-trained embedding dimension

Suppose you have another dense feature price:

price_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column('price')

Create your feature columns

columns = [embed_column, price_column]

Build the model:

features = tf.parse_example(..., 
dense_tensor = tf.feature_column.input_layer(features, columns)
for units in [128, 64, 32]:
  dense_tensor = tf.layers.dense(dense_tensor, units, tf.nn.relu)
prediction = tf.layers.dense(dense_tensor, 1)

By the way, for tf.parse_example to work, this assumes your input data is tf.Example like this (text protobuf):

features {
  feature {
    key: "price"
    value { float_list {
      value: 29.0
  feature {
    key: "my-text"
    value { bytes_list {
      value: "this"
      value: "product"
      value: "is"
      value: "for sale"
      value: "within"
      value: "us"

That is, I assume you have two feature types, one is the product price, and the other is the text description of the product. Your vocabulary list would be a superset of

["this", "product", "is", "for sale", "within", "us"].
like image 129
greeness Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
