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Favorite Windows keyboard shortcuts [closed]

Win + Pause/Break to bring up computer information and to access environment variables under the Advanced tab.

Win + R to go straight to the run box (though I barely use this anymore since I started with Launchy).

Of course Alt + Tab but also Alt + Shift + Tab for going backwards.

Oh, and personally, I hate Ctrl + F4 for closing tabs - too much of a pinky stretch.

Oh and try Win + Tab on Windows 7 (with Aero on).

Win + 1 .. 9 -- Start quick launch shortcut at that index (Windows Vista).

Ctrl + Scroll Lock, Scroll Lock -- Crash your computer: Windows feature lets you generate a memory dump file by using the keyboard

@gabr -- Win + D is show desktop, Win + M minimizes all windows. Hitting Win + D twice brings everything back as it has only shown the desktop window in front of the other windows.

  • Alt-F4 to close a program.
  • WindowsKey + L to lock my workstation
  • Ctr-Shift-Ins to copy text from a textbox
  • Alt-Print Screen to capture a shot of just a window
  • WindowsKey + R to open the "Run" dialog (XP Pro only- does something else on XP Home)

  • Win-D to minimize all applications
  • Ctrl-Shift-Esc to open Task Manager

Win-L to lock the computer..

To maximize a window: Alt+Space, X
To restore a window: Alt+Space, R
To minimize a window: Alt+Space, N
To close a window: Alt+Space, C