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du in PowerShell?

How can I get a du-ish analysis using PowerShell? I'd like to periodically check the size of directories on my disk.

The following gives me the size of each file in the current directory:

foreach ($o in gci) {    Write-output $o.Length } 

But what I really want is the aggregate size of all files in the directory, including subdirectories. Also I'd like to be able to sort it by size, optionally.

like image 714
Cheeso Avatar asked May 15 '09 12:05


People also ask

What is du in shell script?

The du command is a standard Linux/Unix command that allows a user to gain disk usage information quickly. It is best applied to specific directories and allows many variations for customizing the output to meet your needs. As with most commands, the user can take advantage of many options or flags.

What is du in Windows?

Du (disk usage) reports the disk space usage for the directory you specify. By default it recurses directories to show the total size of a directory and its subdirectories.

How do I get the size of a directory in PowerShell?

You can use the Get-ChildItem ( gci alias) and Measure-Object ( measure alias) cmdlets to get the sizes of files and folders (including subfolders) in PowerShell.

What is du EXE?

Du.exe is a command-line tool that reports the disk space usage of a directory you specify, and by default, the sub-directories.

2 Answers

There is an implementation available at the "Exploring Beautiful Languages" blog:

"An implementation of 'du -s *' in Powershell"

function directory-summary($dir=".") {    get-childitem $dir |      % { $f = $_ ;          get-childitem -r $_.FullName |             measure-object -property length -sum |               select @{Name="Name";Expression={$f}},Sum} } 

(Code by the blog owner: Luis Diego Fallas)


 PS C:\Python25> directory-summary  Name                  Sum ----                  --- DLLs              4794012 Doc               4160038 include            382592 Lib              13752327 libs               948600 tcl               3248808 Tools              547784 LICENSE.txt         13817 NEWS.txt            88573 python.exe          24064 pythonw.exe         24576 README.txt          56691 w9xpopen.exe         4608 
like image 123
Tomalak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


I modified the command in the answer slightly to sort descending by size and include size in MB:

gci . |    %{$f=$_; gci -r $_.FullName |      measure-object -property length -sum |     select  @{Name="Name"; Expression={$f}},              @{Name="Sum (MB)";              Expression={"{0:N3}" -f ($_.sum / 1MB) }}, Sum } |   sort Sum -desc |   format-table -Property Name,"Sum (MB)", Sum -autosize 


PS C:\scripts> du  Name                                 Sum (MB)       Sum ----                                 --------       --- results                              101.297  106217913 SysinternalsSuite                    56.081    58805079 ALUC                                 25.473    26710018 dir                                  11.812    12385690 dir2                                 3.168      3322298 

Maybe it is not the most efficient method, but it works.

like image 24
hollie317704 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
