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fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No such file or directory

People also ask

How do I resolve a fatal error in Git?

A Git command needs to be run on a specific repository, so this error typically occurs when a Git command is run in a directory that Git doesn't know about. In these cases, the fix is to make sure that you are both working in the correct folder and that you set up your repository right.

How do you fix fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists?

The Git “fatal: Could not read from remote repository” error occurs when there is an issue authenticating with a Git repository. This is common if you have incorrectly set up SSH authentication. To solve this error, make sure your SSH key is in your keychain and you connecting to a repository using the correct URL.

Follow the steps to setup SSH keys here: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys


git remote add origin https://{username}:{password}@github.com/{username}/project.git

Update: If you get "fatal: remote origin already exists." then you have to use set-url:

git remote set-url origin https://{username}:{password}@github.com/{username}/project.git

I faced the exact same problem. This problem occurred when I cloned using HTTPS URL and then tried to push the changes using Git Bash on Windows using:

git clone https://github.com/{username}/{repo}.git

However, when I used SSH URL to clone, this problem didn't occur:

git clone [email protected]:{username}/{repo}.git

I found my answer here:

edit ~/.gitconfig and add the following:

[url "[email protected]:"]
 insteadOf = https://github.com/

Although it solves a different problem, the error code is the same...

For me nothing worked from suggested above, I use the git pull command from Jenkins Shell Script and apparently it takes wrong user name. I spent ages before I found a way to fix it without switching to SSH.

In your the user's folder create .gitconfig file (if you don't have it already) and put your credentials in following format: https://user:[email protected], more info. After your .gitconfig file link to those credentials, in my case it was:

   helper = store --file /Users/admin/.git-credentials

Now git will always use those credentials no matter what. I hope it will help someone, like it helped me.

Note that if you are getting this error instead:

fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': No error

Then you need to update your Git to version 2.16 or later.

If you want to continue use https instead ssh, and avoid type into your username and password for security reason.

You can also try Github OAuth token, then you can do git config remote.origin.url 'https://{token}@github.com/{username}/{project}.git' or git remote add origin 'https://{token}@github.com/{username}/{project}.git'

This works for me!