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"did you run git update-server-info" error on a Github repository

People also ask

How do I push update code to GitHub from terminal?

In the command line, navigate to the root directory of your project. Initialize the local directory as a Git repository. To create a repository for your project on GitHub, use the gh repo create subcommand. When prompted, select Push an existing local repository to GitHub and enter the desired name for your repository.

You might have changed your repository name

In your local repository edit the file:


Then check:

[remote "origin"]
   url = 

that the URL matches your remote repository

Did you create a new repository on the http://github.com with the same name?

If not, do it! And make sure each letter is correct and case sensitive.

In my case my github account did not have permissions to the repo. Added the github account as a collaborator for the repo and that fixed it.

This error mostly caused by WRONG URL, please check:

  • http or https
  • URL Name
  • username@git_url
  • wrong git name

It looks like that's a private (or deleted) repository; if you visit the repository page while logged it'll give you the real URL, which'll probably be https://[email protected]/TeaCodie/TeaCodie-Website.git , i.e. with a username specified?