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Fastlane windows cannot installing

How to install fastlane in windows? i installed rubygems , but i dont know how to install fastlane on windows. please tell me how to install fastlane in windows?

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Elangovan S Avatar asked May 05 '17 05:05

Elangovan S

People also ask

Can I use Fastlane on Windows?

fastlane depends on Ruby, so you need to install it on Windows, and then with it install fastlane . Follow these steps: Go to https://rubyinstaller.org/ and download the latest supported version (2.7.

How do I run Fastlane locally?

Installing the fastlane PluginOpen the Firebase console to add the Android app to your project. Select your project and click Add Firebase to your Android app. Enter your package name and click Register app. SHA key can be empty for now; you only need it when signing an APK.

What is Fastlane Ruby?

fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles, and releasing your application.

1 Answers

  1. Install ruby on your windows machine.
  2. Go to your command line and type gem install fastlane -NV.
  3. You have fastlane on your windows machine ready.
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Aryeetey Solomon Aryeetey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Aryeetey Solomon Aryeetey