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Fastest way to remove hyphens from a string



I have IDs that look like: 185-51-671 but they can also have letters at the end, 175-1-7b

All I want to do is remove the hyphens, as a pre-processing step. Show me some cool ways to do this in javascript? I figure there are probably quite a few questions like this one, but I'm interested to see what optimizations people will come up with for "just hyphens"


edit: I am using jQuery, so I guess .replace(a,b) does the trick (replacing a with b)

numberNoHyphens = number.replace("-",""); 

any other alternatives?

edit #2:

So, just in case anyone is wondering, the correct answer was

numberNoHyphens = number.replace(/-/g,""); 

and you need the "g" which is the pattern switch or "global flag" because

numberNoHyphens = number.replace(/-/,""); 

will only match and replace the first hyphen

like image 230
sova Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 16:06


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You can just iterate through with a for loop and replace each instance of a hyphen with a blank. This code should give you a newlist without the hyphens.

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2 Answers

You need to include the global flag:

var str="185-51-671"; var newStr = str.replace(/-/g, ""); 
like image 77
James Hill Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10

James Hill

This is not faster, but


should also work.

I set up a jsperf test if anyone wants to add and compare their methods, but it's unlikely anything will be faster than the replace method.


like image 20
Cristian Sanchez Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10

Cristian Sanchez