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Intercept/handle browser's back button in React-router?

I'm using Material-ui's Tabs, which are controlled and I'm using them for (React-router) Links like this:

    <Tab value={0} label="dashboard" containerElement={<Link to="/dashboard/home"/>}/>
    <Tab value={1} label="users" containerElement={<Link to="/dashboard/users"/>} />
  <Tab value={2} label="data" containerElement={<Link to="/dashboard/data"/>} />

If I'm currenlty visting dashboard/data and I click browser's back button I go (for example) to dashboard/users but the highlighted Tab still stays on dashboard/data (value=2)

I can change by setting state, but I don't know how to handle the event when the browser's back button is pressed?

I've found this:

window.onpopstate = this.onBackButtonEvent;

but this is called each time state is changed (not only on back button event)

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high incompetance Avatar asked Sep 06 '16 06:09

high incompetance

People also ask

How do you handle back button of browser in react?

It depends on the type of Router you use in React. If you use BrowserRouter from react-router (not available in react-router v4 though), as mentioned above, you can use the action 'POP' to intercept the browser back button.

How do you know if browser Back button is clicked react?

If it's 'POP' , then the back button is pressed. With a function component, we can listen to the history object for changes. history has the action property which returns the action that's being done. If it's 'POP' , then we know that the user pressed the back button.

4 Answers

This is a bit old question and you've probably already got your answer, but for people like me who needed this, I'm leaving this answer.

Using react-router made the job simple as such:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

componentDidMount() {


    this.backListener = browserHistory.listen(location => {
      if (location.action === "POP") {
        // Do your stuff

componentWillUnmount() {
    // Unbind listener
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Jay Shin Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

Jay Shin

Using hooks you can detect the back and forward buttons

import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'

const [ locationKeys, setLocationKeys ] = useState([])
const history = useHistory()

useEffect(() => {
  return history.listen(location => {
    if (history.action === 'PUSH') {
      setLocationKeys([ location.key ])

    if (history.action === 'POP') {
      if (locationKeys[1] === location.key) {
        setLocationKeys(([ _, ...keys ]) => keys)

        // Handle forward event

      } else {
        setLocationKeys((keys) => [ location.key, ...keys ])

        // Handle back event

}, [ locationKeys, ])
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Nicolas Keller Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Nicolas Keller

here is how I ended up doing it:

componentDidMount() {
    this._isMounted = true;
    window.onpopstate = ()=> {
      if(this._isMounted) {
        const { hash } = location;
        if(hash.indexOf('home')>-1 && this.state.value!==0)
          this.setState({value: 0})
        if(hash.indexOf('users')>-1 && this.state.value!==1)
          this.setState({value: 1})
        if(hash.indexOf('data')>-1 && this.state.value!==2)
          this.setState({value: 2})

thanks everybody for helping lol

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high incompetance Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

high incompetance

Hooks sample

const {history} = useRouter();
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      // && history.location.pathname === "any specific path")
      if (history.action === "POP") {
        history.replace(history.location.pathname, /* the new state */);
  }, [history])

I don't use history.listen because it doesn't affect the state

const disposeListener = history.listen(navData => {
        if (navData.pathname === "/props") {
            navData.state = /* the new state */;
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Bnaya Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10
