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fastest way to get NetCDF variable min/max using Python?

My usual method for extracting the min/max of a variable's data values from a NetCDF file is a magnitude of order slower when switching to the netCDF4 Python module compared to scipy.io.netcdf.

I am working with relatively large ocean model output files (from ROMS) with multiple depth levels over a given map region (Hawaii). When these were in NetCDF-3, I used scipy.io.netcdf.

Now that these files are in NetCDF-4 ("Classic") I can no longer use scipy.io.netcdf and have instead switched over to using the netCDF4 Python module. However, the slowness is a concern and I wondered if there is a more efficient method of extracting a variable's data range (minimum and maximum data values)?

Here was my NetCDF-3 method using scipy:

import scipy.io.netcdf
netcdf = scipy.io.netcdf.netcdf_file(file)
var = netcdf.variables['sea_water_potential_temperature']
min = var.data.min()
max = var.data.max()

Here is my NetCDF-4 method using netCDF4:

import netCDF4
netcdf = netCDF4.Dataset(file)
var = netcdf.variables['sea_water_potential_temperature']
var_array = var.data.flatten()
min = var_array.data.min()
max = var_array.data.max()

The notable difference is that I must first flatten the data array in netCDF4, and this operation apparently slows things down.

Is there a better/faster way?

like image 283
John Maurer Avatar asked Oct 01 '22 14:10

John Maurer

2 Answers

Per suggestion of hpaulj here is a function that calls the nco command ncwa using subprocess. It hangs terribly when using an OPeNDAP address, and I don't have any files on hand to test it locally.

You can see if it works for you and what the speed difference is.

This assumes you have the nco library installed.

def ncwa(path, fnames, var, op_type, times=None, lons=None, lats=None):
    '''Perform arithmetic operations on netCDF file or OPeNDAP data

    path: str
    fnames: str or iterable
        Names of file(s) to perform operation on
    op_type: str
        ncwa arithmetic operation to perform. Available operations are:
    times: tuple
        Minimum and maximum timestamps within which to perform the operation
    lons: tuple
        Minimum and maximum longitudes within which to perform the operation
    lats: tuple
        Minimum and maximum latitudes within which to perform the operation

    result: float
        Result of the operation on the selected data

    Adapted from the OPeNDAP examples in the NCO documentation:
    import os
    import netCDF4
    import numpy
    import subprocess

    output = 'tmp_output.nc'

    # Concatenate subprocess command
    cmd = ['ncwa']
    cmd.extend(['-y', '{}'.format(op_type)])
    if times:
        cmd.extend(['-d', 'time,{},{}'.format(times[0], times[1])])
    if lons:
        cmd.extend(['-d', 'lon,{},{}'.format(lons[0], lons[1])])
    if lats:
        cmd.extend(['-d', 'lat,{},{}'.format(lats[0], lats[1])])
    cmd.extend(['-p', path])

    # Run cmd and check for errors
    subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)

    # Load, read, close data and delete temp .nc file
    data = netCDF4.Dataset(output)
    result = float(data[var][:])

    return result

path = 'https://ecowatch.ncddc.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC/hycom/hycom_reg6_agg/'
fname = 'HYCOM_Region_6_Aggregation_best.ncd'

times = (0.0, 48.0)
lons = (201.5, 205.5)
lats = (18.5, 22.5)

smax = ncwa(path, fname, 'salinity', 'max', times, lons, lats)
like image 114
ryanjdillon Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


If you're just getting the min/max values across an array of a variable, you can use xarray.

%matplotlib inline
import xarray as xr

da = xr.open_dataset('infile/file.nc')
max = da.sea_water_potential_temperature.max()
min = da.sea_water_potential_temperature.min()

This should give you a single value of min/max, respectively. You could also get the min/max of a variable across a selected dimension like time, longitude, latitude etc. Xarray is great for handling multidimensional arrays that is why it's pretty easy to handle NetCDF in python when you're not using other operating tools like CDO and NCO. Lastly, xarray is also used in other related libraries that deals with weather and climate data in python ( http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/related-projects.html ).

like image 23
Dani56 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
