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Faster search for files in Netbeans

Is there an existing plugin or tweak that speeds up the "Go To File" search in Netbeans ? Compared to Eclipse, Netbeans search is way too slow specially if one has multiple large size projects.

I know I can use CTRL+O for "Go To Type" but often I need to search for other file types like XMLs, property files etc. across thousands of files in multiple projects.

I installed the Quick Search plugin but even that doesn't search for non Java file types.

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Rahul Avatar asked Oct 29 '09 03:10


People also ask

How do I search for a file in Netbeans?

To initiate such a file search, do one of the following: Choose Edit | Find in Projects to search all files in all open projects (including project metadata files). In the Projects window, right-click the node for the folder or project that you want to search in and choose Find (or press Ctrl-F).

How replace all in Netbeans?

CTRL+SHIFT+H will open the replace dialogue where you can find+replace in any or all of your open projects.

1 Answers

You can focus on the Project Tree and simply type the file name which you want to looking for. Press Up/Down to select if more than one file match your search.

Or use keyboard shortcut to open the search file form:

  • Windows/Linux:


  • Mac OS:


like image 155
Truong Chuong Duong Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11

Truong Chuong Duong